Kitchen Escapades

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Darling without you,

All the shine of a thousand spotlights,

All the stars we steal from the night sky,
will never be enough,

Towers of gold are still too little,
Theses hands could hold the world but it'll,

Never be enough,
For me.

After a heated conversation between my mate and I, we somehow managed to delve into an even longer debate about dishonesty, which mostly consisted of Livius reprimanding me for all the things I hid from him that my mother had so cruelly made him aware of, eventually we finally decided to set it aside and head downstairs.

I immediately looped my arm with his and happily followed him through the castle, his warmth seeping into my skin, "I'm still rather shocked that you want me to take you down to the kitchens," he mused, a smile playing on his lips, "so why don't you tell me more about what you plan on doing to day."

I furrowed my brows in thought, not really able to think of anything more than the usual, "Besides visiting Elijah, I don't really have anything else to do besides training Damien."

My mate frowned, "You're still training him?"

Giving him a disbelieving look, I chose to reply to his ridiculous inquiry, "You're the one who told me to train him."

He scowled disapprovingly, "I thought it was a one time thing. I didn't think you'd busy yourself with the task everyday."

"Give me something else to busy myself with then," I offered, blinking up at him expectantly.

Livius waved a dismissive hand, "You can do whatever you please, so long as it doesn't involve touching a mateless wolf, setting anything on fire, and running away."

I let out an exasperated sigh, "Well that basically rules out everything."

He gave me a pointed look, instead choosing to change the subject, "You haven't seen much of Paris yet, have you?" he asked, cocking his head, his hair falling to the side at the simple action.

"No," I sighed disappointedly, "why?"

He shrugged. "Just curious."

Before I could inquire further, we stopped in front of a set of double doors that Livius immediately pulled open, and I was instantly hit with the mouthwatering scent of fresh food.

The main kitchen was about five times bigger than the one in the King's wing. I knew this was where food for the entire pack was made, but I didn't think it'd be this... massive. From what I could see there were several ovens lined up on different sides of the room, stoves scattered along the vast countertop, and a separate room used for storing all the ingredients. Male and female wolves busily rushed through the vast area, carrying trays, and cooking utensils, all of them unaware of the two new guests standing at the door.

One of them stopped, his eyes widening at the sight of their King and I, the action immediately stopping the processes going on throughout the kitchen. Someone rushing behind him bumped into him with a tray of perfectly cut onions, causing the food to spill. The woman who stood behind that man was carrying a hot plate from the oven, and had to set it down because of the pause in movement. The man slicing carrots on the countertop nearby hissed as he drew his hand back and his fingers grazed the hot metal.

I could already tell that no one was allowed to take a break here. It was too busy and stressful for even one person to do the wrong thing. One pause from someone doing even the smallest task could make another person have to restart their entire dish.

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