Unsupervised Adventures

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"Tell me about your heart,

how it stole breath from my lungs, and still warmed my veins."

I stumbled into the bedroom, my jaw dropping as I caught sight of my mate leaning against the wall on the other side, his pale blue eyes narrowed, and a drink in hand.

I watched as he set the cup down, before returning his attention to me. Damien stood behind me his eyes wide in shock, before Livius addressed him, "You can leave now, Damien," he ordered.

My guard paused, "Your Highness, she-"

"I said, you can leave," Livius cut him off, voice firm, and Damien bowed, giving me a lingering look, before walking out, the door shutting behind him.

Livius stepped forward, eyes churning with a barely contained anger.

Yea, I was screwed.


Five hours earlier:

"Elle, I'm bored," I groaned, watching as she brushed her hair in front of the vanity mirror.

I have been in this damned castle for a whole week now, and there was absolutely nothing to do. Livius was usually off doing royal duties, whatever the fuck they were, and I was stuck strolling around looking completely lost. I even found myself calling my mother from time to time, to her amusement.

Elle hung around with me almost everyday, looking just as bored and uninterested as I was now.

"This is about as interesting as castle life gets," she replied, picking at her nails.

"Livius is leaving today," I murmured thoughtfully, eyes pinned to the ceiling.

"He is?" Elle furrowed her brows, "I thought it was only Noah who was going."

I shook my head, sitting up, "No, he changed his mind this morning. He'll be gone all day."

She hummed in response, both of us falling silent, now lost in thought.

"That means Jayden's going to be taking care of his work for today," Elle began slowly, turning back to me, and I gave her a confused look, not catching on.

"King Livius is gone, Jayden is busy, and the Delta is training the wolves. Neither of them are paying attention to what we do today," she elaborated.

We could do whatever we wanted.

I felt a slight wave of excitement at the thought, before it was crushed by my next thought, "And Damien?" I asked.

She waved her hand, "He won't even notice we're gone. He's a warrior not a tracker."

"Okay, but like, where would we go?"

Her eyes sparkled, "today's our lucky day."

She stepped out of the room for a second, heading into her closet. I heard slight shuffling before she emerged again, this time with two thin pieces of paper in hand, and she held them out to me.

My jaw dropped,"The show is sold out, how did you get these?" I inquired, and she grinned like a cheshire cat.

"Jayden and I were supposed to go today, but he can't leave the castle with the King gone. I told him I'd give them away, but that would be a waste," she shrugged.

My lips curved up into a mischievous smile, "I guess we're going to a concert then."

Elle clapped her hands in excitement, already heading back towards the closet.

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