4: Date

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A shake to my leg wakes me up and Maxwell whispering to wake up. He sat patiently waiting for me to fix my hair and makeup from my nap and threw back on his jacket. Maxwell rounds the car and before I could open my door for myself he opens it. He takes my hand and guides me to the front door of the restaurant. Stepping in, it's a luxurious little restaurant. Where the hostess stands is a wall where water is falling down it and vines hang from above.

"Alpha, please follow me, we have your booth reserved," the hostess smiles and leads us to a secluded area where it has a beautiful view of the pond out back.

I take my seat across from him and look outside, admiring the view. Menus and silverware are set down in front of us and our waitress starts talking.

"Hello, I am Kaylee and I'll be your waitress this evening," she greets. "What can I start you off with to drink?"

"I'll have a peach tea," I tell.

She writes that down on her note pad and looks at Maxwell. "And for you, Alpha?"

"A water will be fine," he tells.

She scurries off and back into the kitchen. Maxwell seemed to be in a trance with his phone. I know it is important so I didn't want to bother him. When he sets it down he huffs out in annoyance.

"Who was that," I ask.

"A reminder for the next meeting," he groans.


"You know once you become my Luna you'll have to attend these things."

"Yeah, wait on doing that. I don't want to go to those meetings. Boring."

He laughs. "They are, but they are important."

"Can I not go to the alpha council ones?"

He seemed intrigued now. "Why?"

"I had a relationship with an Alpha for a while. I don't want to be around him."

"Really? I didn't know that. He never brought you to the meetings."

"I know. He had affairs during our relationship. He was a mate but not my true mate."

"Yup, because I sit before you."

"Anyways, he rejected me because I held no titles prior to our relationship."

"He's going to regret that decision. You will have a important title once we mate. I am one of the highest alphas on the council so the title I have, you'll also have. He will regret his decision once he sees you with me."

"Let's make him jealous."

He shakes his head. "We won't do that. We'll just be our happy couple selves."

"So we'll do it discreetly."

"Whatever you want to call it. I am not doing it. You can though. I am not like that and it won't look good for me, as an alpha."

"That is understandable."

Our drinks are set down in front of us and we order our food. Once again the waitress's eyes lingering on her alpha. I had a feeling about the two, was there a past relationship? Did they have a past? My wolf started to feel jealous, an annoyed snarl echoing through my head. She was getting possessive and protective. Something we promised not to become of for a male again. Especially after Desmond we promised each other not to act like this over a male. If the male truly wants us, he'll act that way.

A guard approaches our table and calls Maxwell aside. I sat patiently waiting for him to return. When he scoots back into the booth he taps his fingers in annoyance.

"What is wrong," I ask.

"The paparazzi found us. Someone gave them a tip on where we are eating and they found us," he reports.

"So what are we going to do?"


"What about dinner?"

"Well, they aren't here yet. They were just given the tip so we have about an hour."

"I think that's enough time."

"I know. I am just trying to protect you as long as possible. I don't want the paparazzi up your ass yet. I want a normal relationship for while. Of course the press and public don't think that is fair and needs to be in the know of every part of my life."

"And we will have a normal relationship for a while. We just need to be more careful. Until we both feel comfortable with announcing you found your Luna we won't say anything. Don't mention me during any interviews or meetings. Don't even mutter my name. It'll be safer that way. I know some of those alphas and they'll do anything to throw another one under the bus."

The food is eventually brought out and placed down in front of us. It was quite the sight seeing an alpha eat ribs like an animal. Ripping it apart as fast as he possibly could.

My past mate never treated me like this. He was never nice to me, he treated me like another one of his bitches. He was rude to me and called me names and made me feel bad about myself. He spoke down to me like I was a maid in his household. Hell, he treated his maids better than he treated me. I knew while I was with him I could do better and I am doing better. He was a low life pig who somehow obtained his grandfather's position as alpha. Personally I always thought he killed his parents or locked them away. No, his parents abandoned him with his grandfather because they didn't want him. That's why he treated me so badly. His parents didn't want him so he made me feel unloved and unwanted.

Truly I didn't think we were in a rush, what does it matter? Why does it matter if the pack sees their alpha on a date with their soon to be Luna? Is it because he doesn't want me hurt, gossip, or being selfish and keeping me to himself for sometime? Eventually the pack will figure it out when Maxwell doesn't break up with me in a few months.

"Somebody working here had to have given out a tip on our location. They probably got paid for leaking our whereabouts to the press. I am going to find out who it was," he announces in a rage.

"Calm down. Why does it matter? I'm going to Luna eventually and eventually they will find us out in public on a date by accident. Just breath. We'll pay and leave when the waitress comes back," I tell.

He nods and finishes what meat there was left on the bone. The waitress steps in front of the table to start clearing away the finished plates.

"May we have the check," Maxwell nods.

"Leaving so soon, Alpha," she asks and curls her lip.

Maxwell smirks. "Why, Yes. The Luna and I have important business to attend to."


Yeah I was about to say that. I guess he wants her to leave him alone so I guess it's official? I'm assuming she is the one who leaked it since I'm slowly understand through interactions, they had a previous relationship.

"Yes, Luna. Luna Natalie," he tells and smiles proudly. "Now the check, please."

She huffs and walks to the back and returns momentarily with the check. Once all done and paid we hurry out seeing cars already pulling in. Taking cover in his car we pull out before the could swarm the car.


Another update! I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe 4th of July for all my fellow American readers. Though I am inspired to write this rewrite I got a little side tracked and writers block.

The original book is being taken down slowly.

Have a wonderful week!

~Becca, The Queen Of Beans

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