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Since the dawn of time Werewolves and humans and other supernatural beings have coexisted in peace and harmony. Neighbor helping neighbor, pack helping pack, and even pack helping neighboring tribes. All was at peace and the world was peaceful. No one disrupted this flow or oral peacefulness, everyone just went with it. It was highly respected and no dared disrupt this flow in fear of what may happen to them if done.

Even though the Moon Goddess spilt the realm into two for the werwolves it didn't bother them. A King werewolf for each side of the realm, the light King never being disclosed and the darker side was ruled by the Death Alpha himself. It was only fitting. But he didn't rule over the dark realm forever, nor did his heirs. Instead whenever a Death Alpha retired a new one was chosen from the afterlife and given a second chance at life.

I'll get into this a little more later, but our God of the dead was once the Death Alpha and the Moon Goddess was once his Luna and the Moon Princess.

This was for the safety of the light King since when the settlers came over they saw them as a threat and declared them as witches. They were witches in their eyes since the could shape shift into animals and had unheard of strength and beauty. This scared the settlers and only caused the peacefulness to be disrupted in the unspoken alliance.

The packs were torn apart as they didn't know what side of the fight they wanted to be on, but soon turned against the humans seeing how many of their race they were killing off. It was a good thing the werewolf King was never revealed since they invaded the capital pack, The Royal Crested.

Being simple minded humans they were, they didn't know how to distinguish a normal werewolf from an Alpha. This is where the mass murders started as they continued their hunt for the King of werewolves. They saw him as a threat to themselves and their settlements. Yet, they could not find him since he took the form of his wolf and fought beside his pack. Keep in mind what I said about not being able to tell who was the King and who wasn't. They saw this beneficial since they could have the King beside them.

They obviously wouldn't dare go up against the Death Alpha as that is a death wish.

After losing millions that day we all went into hiding, disappearing from public eye and started to repopulate. This took a few hundred years but we are at a stable number so we do not face possible extinction again. Sadly, on this day we lost many great packs as they were completely wiped out. Many who did hold magic and can longer be found anywhere.

Lately we've had to make a return to society as the Moon Goddess has paired many of us with humans. Many see this as a way for us to mend the broken bonds from the last and so we see we aren't so different. Yet, many won't accept that or forgive them for their anecdotes for killing our ancestors.

And that is why the King is hidden and no one but his high council knows his true identity. If it is revealed by one they will be tried and most likely executed or live out the rest of their lives in the prison below the palace. The King would then decide if he took over this pack or allowed the next of Kin to take over.

"What about this pack? They have to know he is the King," asks the young the Prince.

The Queen laughs, "our pack knows we are their Alphas' but they believe the King resides here and gave someone else power to command his pack. That is why when your Dad travels outside of the mansion he has other accompanying him. This is so they can't tell who in that group is the real King."

"So why are we still called the Royal Crested pack then?"

"It is the ancestral name of this territory, it is only fit we keep to the name as it would make the other packs suspicious as why we changed them. We don't want that, now do we?"

The young boy shakes his head. "No, Mom."

"Good, anymore questions?"


"Good, that is the end of our lesson."

"When I become King I will tell the people," he declares.

The Queen only chuckles at the young boy again, "you are very optimistic, Maxwell."

He smiles pridefully. "The people deserve to know who their King and Queen are. They deserve to know who are ruling them."

She nods. "Maybe times will be different when you are older. As for now your father and I feel it is safe to keep this secret under wraps and with his trusted council. I can only hope that for you, my son."

This is stated all the time as the young prince's grandfather was the one who deiced to reappear into society and declare other packs do the same. Too many humans were being paired with werewolves and it was seen as a problem being hidden.

The council is hand chosen by the King. Each pack comes from different districts all over the globe and realm. The King only has one from the dark side sitting on his Council and that is the infamous Death Alpha. He is basically the face of the dark realm since there isn't enough packs on that side to do it like that.

"I'll make sure of it."

"Okay, let's get you cleaned up and ready for lunch. I believe your father wants to take you out and teach you a lesson as well."

"What about?"

She smiles again and ruffles his hair. "Mates."


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