Chapter 6

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I changed Harlem's character since he fitted the description better his @mocity_jaybee

Nala POV

I went to that nail salon and got my toes and nails did, I got all white toes and a white ombré. I went to the mall quickly to pick out an outfit, I picked and outfit and quickly rushed out the mall to go get some food. I pulled up to chick-fil-a, sense the line was long I decided I was going to go inside when I got to the register, the dude that was taking my order was fine! He kept smiling and smirking at me, he was brown skinned with waves and braces.

After I was done ordering he stopped me before leaving.

"Aye say ma can I get yo number?" He asked. I stood there thinking "would Har be cool with this?" I mean if we don't date and he talk to a lot of girls it wouldn't hurt if I talk to one.

"Sure." I said wrote my number on a price of paper and handed it to him I got my food and left to the truck. Har start call my phone and I answered.

"Hello." I said turning into the lane.

"I just got home, we gone go out at 8." I heard him say.

"Ok, where we going tho?" I asked.

"Don't worry bout all that just dress up, ight imma talk to you when you get back." He sad hanging up. About 10 minutes later I was pulling up to the house and I see Asia on the porch talking to Harlem heheing and hahaing I hopped out of the truck and walked up to the porch. I was bout to say stuff to get under her skin.

"C'mon har I want you to gimme head." I said leaning down and kissing deeply, while looking at Asia while she got a whole attitude.

"Yo you seriously want me to eat you out?" He said smiling. Getting ready to take me in the house.

"No she don't she just jealous of me and you, so she acting thirsty!" Asia said standing up. Harlem stood there looking confused.

"Wait wait hold up, why would she be jealous?" He said squinting his eyes at Asia.

"Cuz we like each other and she like you." She said. I wanted to ring her neck.

"First off He don't like you, ain't that right?" I asked Har a d he nodded his head Asia looked like she was going to explode.

"Why would I fuck with you? You my best friend ex, that's law." He said looking irritated.

"Nala, you better watch him cuz I get what I want." Asia said twisting her whole way across the street. "Bitch" i mumbled. I look over at Harlem and he look at my like I'm crazy, his grabs my arm and drags me into the house.

"Nana, fuck is wrong witchu, making a scene, that shit was unnecessary as fuck had them white folks starin and shit." He said in a serious tone.

"If you ain't want me to make a scene why was you sittin with her being all friendly?" I asked.

"I ain't you and shorty wasn't coo, and you not even my girl so why you trippin?" He said with his heavy New York accent, his words kinda hurt my feelings, he makes me feel like I'm his girl, he treats me like his girl, but I guess he don't see me as his girl.

"But you said on the phone I was your girl.." I said looking down.

"Ok and I was kappin, you irritating me, on some real shit." He said sternly.

"If I'm irritating just stop talking to me." I said walking upstairs to the guest bedroom and locking the door.

I sat in the bed and watching cartoons til 6pm then I heard a knock on the door.

"What!" I yelled.

"You still on for our date?" I heard Harlem's voice I sing feel like dealing with him at the moment.

"No, leave me alone." I said and he opened the door with a credit card, I rolled my eyes. He walked toward the bed and sat on it.

"You kno I ain't mean to hurt your feelings, I'm sorry. I was just frustrated, so much has been going on today. Then you was cuttin up and shit, I hate see you upset, please go on the date with me?" He said sticking his bottom lip out. I chuckled.

"Ok, fine. But I'm still mad at you." I said getting up and getting dressed.

When I was done, I walked out side me room to Harlem waiting on me at the door.

"You look great." Har said to me grabbing my hand and walking me to my side of the car a opening the door for me, he sprinted to his side and got in the car and we pulled off.

"I'm so exited!" I said doin a little dance in my seat catching hars eyes.

"Can't you don't that on a dick?" He asked me biting his lip and trying to spread my thighs apart.

"No, stop and pay attention to the rode." I said hitting his hand making him let go. Harlem is so freaky, I fear my virginity around him.
He tries to hump me 24/7 whenever he brings girl over or on the phone with them I wonder what it feels like to do it with him. I mean I don't want to rush myself into doing something, I'm just curious. I'm not going to fuck him, but I just want to to, I don't even knoooooooo.

We pulled up to this very fancy restaurant, it was a French restaurant.


Harlem is 20

Nala is 17 turning 18 in a month

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