Chapter 34

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      "You didn't." Daario growled at her. Daenerys stood against the breeze, her white gown blowing the long white cape behind her.
"I did."
A raven she had sent in secret two months ago reached Dragonstone. Jon Snow was coming to Meereen.
"Why didn't you tell me!" Daario raged. His fists balled in anger, his breathing ragged.
"I knew you'd try to stop the raven. I need answers. I swore him safe conduct."
"How did the raven even reach Dragonstone, when he had just sailed." He ruffled his hair in anger, trying to steady his breathing.
"His 'wife' sent me a letter back. He embarked a month ago. He should be arriving very soon. Word from sailors is he is sailing in today, at high noon." Daenerys swollen belly pushed through the silk white fabric, offering a noticeable bump. Four months had passed, and she felt her child grow everyday. And everyday, her doubts took control of her head. But it was too late to back away from it. A Targaryen dragon, with the shared blood of a sell-sword.

The billowing sail, painted with the dire wolf of House Stark drifted into port. Daenerys turned to her soldier, worry glossing her eyes.
      "You are to get him on a horse and bring him straight to the main room of the great pyramid." She dismissed the soldier quickly and retreated to the main room, where she would meet Jon.
Her hair was done in small braids, for the silver white locks she held now went to her shoulder blades, just below the collarbone. Her white gown showed her bump, with the sheer white cape attached. A silver metal dragon coiled around her pregnant belly, as a symbol of protection.

Footsteps echoed up the stone stairs, bouncing off the stone walls, as Daenerys froze. She bit her lip, sitting with her back to the door. A guard entered first, standing next to his queen, his spear out. From the corner of her eye, the black haired man walked past her, sitting across from her. She observed him once more, her memories flooding her again. His eyes locked into hers, as she felt a wave of adrenaline paralyze her.
      "You came." Daenerys spoke coldly, looking him over in disgust.
      "Aye. I came." His eyes melted into hers, searching for any love in his past lover.
      "Why?" Daenerys choked. She stared him back, her fists clenched.
      "You has too much power. You had gone mad, Dany."
      "Don't Dany me!" She snapped with ferocity. "I was sane then, I'm sane now, as I had always been!"
Jon looked down, then back up at her. "It wasn't an easy choice, doing what I did. I did it out of love."
      "You didn't love me. If you did, you wouldn't have slipped a knife into my heart. You wouldn't have went off with a wildling." Her eyes cold as the North, froze him. Encapsulated in her rage, he was scared.
      "I thought you were gone." He paused, his gaze softened as his eyebrows upturned. "But I can't ever forget you. I lay awake at night wondering if I even made the right decision marrying Erid. I had my doubts in the beginning, but she had my daughter. I don't know how I feel anymore, even after everything. It's all dull now. I thought having her as a wife would take the pain away." Jon cried out, his emotions overspilling to Daenerys.
She froze, trapped in her own emotion.
      "You expect me to pity you, and accept you love me? If you loved me, you wouldn't have killed me. You wouldn't have betrayed me." Her eyes locked on Jon. The dragon took flight in her.
      "If by the time my child is born, and you and your family are still in Dragonstone, I'll kill them, and you Snow."
      "You cannot threaten me like that. That's my castle, given to me by King Brandon Stark." Jon stared at her. "Though I'm confused, I will not let you hurt the mother of my daughter."
      "Be ignorant then, Jon. Stay. See what happens when you betray me again." Daenerys stood, looking down on the man. Her heart ached and yearned for him, to have his love. Deep inside her, she pushed him away. For what man who loved a woman would murder her?
      "Goodbye, Daenerys." Jon spoke, walking down the stone steps once more.

Tears overtook her, as her body shook with each sob. She wanted so badly for him back. She wanted to badly for things to not have happened the way it did. That inside he still loved her enough to stay truthful. The thought of his wife and child tore her.
He killed me. He killed me without any hesitation. He took a new wife. She gave him a child.

What love is this?

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