Chapter 77: (Pregnant) Bad Girls Flip Their Bitch-Switch

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Okay SOOOO much happens in the SOOOOO much. We've been so focused on Madam and Babycakes in the last few chapters, but this is really a whole band chapter....So excited to give you guys this one.

Magic in the Hamptons...this is the song I imagine that was drifting out somewhere when Bodie took his beach walk last night, looking for a fangirl and finding one that sort of belongs to Adam......WHAT?!?!?!?! Read on...


Over the next few hours, Adam is the perfect husband. He makes me a plate, brings me a drink, jokes with me that all the sugar in the apple pie a la mode that I eat for dessert is going to give Babycakes cavities.

"That doesn't even make sense for so many reasons. Mostly because she doesn't have teeth yet," I inform him.

"Bet me," he says. "The last bite of your pie."

I thought it was an easy win, until Google proves me wrong. Apparently, babies form their teeth inside their gums around three to four months gestation.

"Poor Babycakes," Adam shakes his head as he mumbles around his mouthful of pie. "Not even born and you are already rotting her brand new baby teeth." He grins at me, that charming grin he gives industry types, people that work for us, strangers. Adam's nice guy version of the rock star face.

His eyes tell me the truth.

He's charming me, but he's still worried and hurting and holding back.

I touch his face, but he takes my hand and kisses my fingers absently as he looks away. His attention lands on Kelsey. He calls her over to ask where's she's at with finding me a nutritionist/cook that's willing to air-ship me food. She tells him she's still working on's complicated because of the logistics of the tour and the ever changing locations, and the high profile celebrity food experts she's contacted are looking over the itinerary and considering if they can fit Mac into their client schedules.

"We may have to go with a food guru that's a little more hungry for work," she says. I laugh at her pun and Adam grins a little to see me laugh.

Riley breezes by. "Call a few of the best universities. Find a few brand new graduates of doctoral nutrition programs. People who are that serious about nutrition are always experienced food preparers as well. Tell them the job is to become a personal celebrity nutritionist/cook for a year. Along with salary, their student loans will be paid in full, but the gig includes going wherever MacKenna goes, all expenses paid of course. Tell them they can vlog about the experience, subject to Mac's approval on content. You'll have no problem filling the position with a highly trained nutrition expert eager to do a great job and make a name for themselves as a personal nutritionist."

Kelsey's dark eyes light in agreement. "Great idea."

"We want to interview candidates, of course," Adam says. "Make it happen while we're in Nashville, okay? Get Penelope to take over the interview logistics. I know you've got to get home to your family in the morning and won't be with us in Nashville. We really appreciate you working over the weekend to get Mac out of LA." If I needed the confirmation, he gives her the same nice-guy smile he's been giving me all night. He means it, sort of, but he's holding back, maintaining a boundary.

I don't mind a boundary between Adam and Kelsey at all, but I do mind one between us. Now is not the time to call him out on his continued reserve, however. You can't force fear out of someone, any more than you can force intimacy, and Adam and I know that well. It took me years to open up to him. How ironic that now that I have, he's shutting down on me.

Still, as Kelsey wanders off to make lists and plans, I snuggle deep into Adam's lap on the patio loveseat. He pushes lazy massaging circles on my back. He may be holding back his private worries, but he's lavishing me with loving care, and I have missed him so much, that I will take all the touching and tenderness I can get.

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