New 19

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Sleep had avoided him like the plague for the past four nights and it was beginning to show, he was very irritable and did not make for pleasant company.

She had upped and left, still very much wounded, and although it had only been a week since then it seemed a lifetime ago.

He had let her go, and although it seemed right, something still felt very wrong about it. Perhaps because he wasn't used to being so attached to someone.

Attached didn't seem to be the right word, however, enamored, bent to her every whim, those seemed more fitting.

It didn't matter now, the Canadian Alpha was gone, they had their full territory they needed, and now Damien was working on installing new equipment in the lumber processing plant.

The work helped clear his head more than anything. He had seven other wolves helping him, and they were all making short work of the task at hand. This new equipment would allow some of the lumber to be processed further before shipping.

His beta was currently courting one of their shewolves, a new fancy that had popped up since the treaty agreement.

He would bless their union if it came to pass, but only time would tell for them.

He had called a lunch break for him and the seven wolves, giving them an hour and a half to eat. He went for a smoke before grabbing a sandwich. The two cigarettes he had were relaxing, having been highstrung for the past month, this small opportunity to just wind down was what he needed.

He considered taking a third cigarette, but decided against it, it was already a bad habit, he didn't need to feed it.

With a calmer being, he headed back to work, taking his wolves with him.

The day seemed to drag on even more from there, and by the time they had closed for the day, he aas ready for a drink.

Damien went alone this time, he had no desire to bother his Beta. It was a rather busy night in the bar, he had to wait a but for a seat at the bar.

He was no stranger to drink tonight, but no matter how much he consumed, he could not become blackout drunk. Damien cursed his metabolism for that, because he really wanted to forget everything for now.

The headache would be killer in the morning regardless of if he lost consciousness or not at this point. That was one thing he wasn't looking forward to but it was the price to pay for his decisions tonight.

He got wind of a conversation happening behind him, "-yea, there hasn't been any sighting of that beast for a week. It killed all of those they brought on the hunt though,"

"What a pity, they were all good dogs too, I hope they find it and be rid of it soon,"

Damien stopped listening, he didn't want to imagine what would happen to his shewolf if these blood thirsty humans got to her, and he was the animal. He'd imagine going on a rampage before succumbing to the counsel of Alphas.

He did not dare drive home from the bar, and made a point to order a car service.

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