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If you're uncomfortable with the topic of sex, this chapter has a whole conversation about it.

And yes the conversation is as awkward writing it as reading it.

And also keep in mind, Shae is still getting used to human speech, so the way she speaks is not as fluent as a native speaker.


Shae was torn.

What she had told Damien was something she truly felt, she was not meant for a pack, her entire life had shown that.

But she wanted him. She wanted him as her chosen mate, she wanted to dominate his nature and his human side, but as a female it wasn't something done, perhaps not as their wolven shapes, but maybe in their human shape she could...no, she would. How? That was a different question entirely.

She knew how mating worked as a wolf, having witnessed many heats and the ruts that come with them, scars were often left on the females' necks from their males biting too hard.

Shae had asked Katherine once before about human mating, but she would not say entirely, and her face had turned a bright red color as she stammered over her words before not saying anything. It was a topic she wanted to understand.

Shae desired a stretch and run in her wolf, her body itched something terrible having not shifted for several days.

Katherine had a backyard with plenty of trees and coverage for a shift, and she quickly stripped before heading outside where the cracks of her changing body echoed through the wood.

The air rushed over her heated skin. Not having shifted for a period of time made shifting a bit more painful, but the pain she was used to, it was nothing compared to what she had suffered. She felt every hair follicle push out her human hair in exchange for her primal side's and elongated teeth overtook the short blunted molars. Her throat tingled as if in memory of the injury that once plagued it as the skin stretched and changed.

Her scarred flesh no longer grew hair, and she knew it must look grotesque, but there was nothing she could do about it.

Shae relished in the dirt on her paws, taking in the scents the rushed through her nostrils, being a part of nature made her feel alive.

She marked her territory through scratching and scenting. This was her area now, though it wasn't much. She hungered for raw meat and the thought of fresh blood eunning along her tastebuds had her mouth watering. 

The trees held numerous rabbits and squirrels, rabbits made for easier prey, as they couldn't clamber up trees and out of the reach of her jaws. 

The first rabbbit she caught she was quick to devour, bones, fur, and all, the second and third she caught were for katherine to cook. Shae took her time to skin these ones and remove their heads and organs aside from their hearts and livers.

She buried the remains that weren't to eat so they wouldn't attract unwanted animals.

She made sure to clean off, rinsing the blood from her face and body, and had just gotten redressed when Katherine arrived back home.

"I was thinking chicken for dinner tonight, how about you?" She had a bag of groceries on one arm, and was holding her child in the other.

"I caught rabbits, but chicken can be good too," Shae gestured to the skinned animals in the sink.

"We can do rabbit, I'll just unpack these bags and find a recipe for them," Shae helped put things away, she had familiarized herself with the kitchen in the first moon she was with Katherine.

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