28. D U O

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A/N: Short update! I was feeling this scene so I wrote it :) hope you enjoy! Make sure to leave comments down below!


My heart has awakened from his slumber.


جُمَادَىٰ ٱلْآخِرَة

T H E   T R I O جُمَادَىٰ ٱلْآخِرَةR U S S I C A D A

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A new dawn greeted Russicada. It was the end of the rainy season - residents could feel it in the air and in the heat of the brilliant rising sun. A pair of golden eyes watched it rise. They were piercing as ever, the black pupils reduced to dots. The warmth greeted her face as the maids combed her hair and arranged it in a braided bun for the journey - for today the trio was back on the road.

A magnificent dress lay on the bed. It had a light blue net robe with delicate embroidery, accompanied by a shimmering under dress.  Where it came from, Falaq had no clue. But the maids were instructed to dress her in it and all Falaq could think was what a hassle it was going to be to ride in those skirts. The sun had barely risen and her temper was being tested.

As the maids added jewels atop her head covering, Falaq felt resentment settle in. All of this was a death trap. She could not move fast in these clothes. She could hardly move at all in fact - for the precious pieces on her head required a balancing act.

Finally the veil was tied securely behind her head, and Falaq allowed herself a glance at her own reflection.

The woman before her looked mysterious and...beautiful. Her eyes, now ringed with Kohl, were blinding. Her skin was clear, and her stature upright and proud. The jewels on her head glittered and gleamed in the sun rays. The fabric glimmered as she moved, gracefully swaying about her feet.

Let's see how long this lasts in the desert. Falaq thought grimly.

The only thing a dress like this was good for was hiding weapons...which Nuh and Hudayfa had confiscated as soon as she'd been brought to this house. 

A guard entered the chambers.

"His Highness, Prince Hudayfa requests your presence"

How eloquently put.

Still, that name caused Falaq's spine to tingle. Something had changed ever since the assassins found her. It was almost as though they respected her...absurd.

Hudayfa was waiting for her in his temporary chambers. He didn't even look up when her presence was announced, busily tying his gauntlets. One cord was caught between his teeth, the other he wound around. Falaq tried not to notice the strands of hair that fell over his eyes as he focused, or the way his jaw tightened as he pulled the cord.

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