4. M Y T H S

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A/N: So excited to share another chapter with you! Please do share this book with your followers and friends if you're enjoying it! Make sure to vote and comment! I can't tell you how much that motivates me to keep going.

The following hour crackled with so much tension Falaq thought the whole room could hear her racing heartbeats

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The following hour crackled with so much tension Falaq thought the whole room could hear her racing heartbeats. The crowd waiting outside for their counsel had been dispersed by the guards and sent home. The great doors of the hall had been shut and bolted, leaving only the five council members, Amaan, Falaq and a wide eyed Ishtar enclosed in the vast space that had never felt more suffocating. The only reason Falaq felt she was still permitted to stand here was because she (thanks to Ustadh's rigorous training) could speak the tongue the stranger could understand. They were all waiting now for Ustad in a very loud silence.

Falaq took the opportunity to sneak a glance at Amaan. Everything about him was so unfamiliar to anything she'd known. From the colour of his skin to his build to the way he carried himself. Everything about him drew her curiosity. Her heart fluttered in his powerful presence.

As if aware of her eyes on him he turned his head to gaze at her with unreadable dark orbs.

Lower your gaze.

Falaq listened the voice of her religious teachings for once, embarrassed he'd caught her. She did not let it show for a second however, haughtily becoming interested in the marble at Shiekh Raziullah's feet.

All heads turned as the guards jogged inside, lining themselves around the parameters of the centre of the hall. Ustad and his boys strode in, their robes sweeping the ground behind them. All trace of Ali's cheer, Ehsan's easy smile or Marwan's grin had been washed away. Her brothers looked as grim as ever. It was in moments like these that Falaq seemed to be able to see how others would see them. They stood, tall and imposing, clad in black. Their postures were perfect, their heads held high and expressions clear of any emotion. Falaq found herself automatically joining them, taking her place on the right hand of her Ustad.

She didn't miss how Amaan's eyes swept over her brothers. He seemed to be sizing them up, but in a non-aggressive way. Just a precaution. Clearly he was a warrior aware of his surroundings.

"Greetings stranger" Ustad greeted Amaan.

"Peace be upon you brother" Amaan replied graciously.

He then relayed what he had told the council earlier. Ustad listened with a controlled expression. Falaq suspected he was not quite as surprised as everyone else had been.

When Amaan was finished, Ustad had just one question to ask:

"How soon?"

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