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DAY 55




Veronica is awoken from her peaceful slumber by a persistent tapping sound. She let's out an annoyed groan before rolling over and covering her ears with the blankets.




"Make it stop..." she mumbles sleepily.




Veronica shoots up into a sitting position, startled by the sudden noise. She looks around her room before her gaze settles on the glass wall.

Theseus sits cross-legged on the floor, his fist raised with one claw extended to use as his tapping device. He smiles at Veronica's startled state. Veronica glares at his cheeky grin. She looks down at her watch to check the time. 5:42 AM.

"Theseus, it isn't even 6:00 in the morning yet! I was sleeping!" She says irritably.

"Was bored," he shrugs. She fixes him with a blank stare.

"Well then go back to sleep."

Theseus shakes his head. "Not without Mate."

Veronica sighs. "Will you let me sleep if I come in there with you?"

He nods his head frantically.

She groggily stands from her bed and exits her room to enter Theseus'. On her way she stops at the sound of voices from down the hall.

"We can't keep this going much longer," the first voice says.

Veronica walks past Theseus' cell door and shuffles to the end of the hall. She carefully looks around the corner to see Dr. Vanderwall and Dr. Conner in a heated discussion. She hasn't talked to Dr. Conner since she started working with Theseus. The female doctor normally kept her distance from Veronica.

"If word of the lycan gets out, the people will freak. We are already getting questioned by the Feds," Dr. Vanderwall says. Veronica hides herself in the shadows, intent on not being seen.

"What do you suggest we do then?" Dr. Conner asks.

"We end it. We end it now before the situation can get any worse."

"Very well. Were you able to finish the serum?" Dr. Conner asks, lowering her voice. Veronica leans forward, trying to hear the rest of the conversation.

"Yes. I believe the euthenization of the lycan will be quite successful."


Veronica slams her badge against the sensor, her breathing erratic and her heart thudding rapidly in her chest. She hastily opens the door to Theseus' cell. She rushes into the room to see him sitting on his bed, a disgruntled expression on his face.

Theseus looks up to see her startled expression and frazzled appearance. He stands, rushing to her side, eager to appease her in any way possible. He doesn't like to see her distressed.


"Theseus! Th-they wanted--wanted--" she shoves her fist to her mouth to stop herself from breaking down into sobs. Her shoulders shake uncontrolably and her eyes glisten with tears. How could they kill him? What reason do they have to just kill him?

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