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DAY 36
9:27 AM

A sudden weight on my chest wakes me from my slumber. I blearily open my eyes to see myself in a room that is not my bedroom. The walls are white and the bed isn't nearly as soft as my one at home. Where am I? I sit up frantically only to be stopped by the very thing that woke me. A mess of dark brown hair is settled on my chest and strong arms are wrapped tightly around my waist, restricting my movements. My breaths come fast and my legs kick at the unknown person.

"Holy..." It is only when Theseus' startled eyes look up to meet mine that I remember where I am. The phone call, searching in the forest, Dr. Vanderwall, falling asleep... With the lights now turned back on, I watch as Theseus picks his head up from my chest, concern etched across his features. His eyebrows are furrowed and his eyes are wide, his lips parted slightly.

He stretches and hand up to my face and gently strokes my cheek. My breaths return to normal. I place my hand over his and gently push it away, his lips pursing in a frown.

"I'm alright, I just forgot where I was is all." This doesn't seem to convince him, as he pulls me against his large frame once more and entangles his legs with mine. He pushes his head underneath my chin and places a chaste kiss underneath my jaw.

My eyes widen in shock, my body freezing in his hold. He has never kissed me before.

"Safe," he whispers against my skin, his hands stroking up and down my back soothingly.

"We should probably get up," I say. When I fell asleep I wasn't expecting him to climb in the bed with me. Theseus shakes his head, mumbling incoherently. "Get off, Theseus. I may have to leave soon," I say sternly. This time, I tug at his arms and push myself into a sitting position.

He looks at me in surprise. I'm not sure if it is surprise that I effectively sat up, or that I would get up against his wishes. Either way, the look is quickly replaced by one of determination.

My eyes widen as he shoves me back down on the mattress, laying his giant form on top of my petite one. His legs squeeze around my thighs and his arms cage me in possesively. I am now made harshly aware that I am alone in this room. There are no cameras; there are no speakers.

"Mate stays," he growls, his hands tightening around my wrists.

This definitely WAS NOT the reaction I thought I was going to get. I wiggle in his hold and try to calm my racing heart.

"T-Theseus. I-I'm not leaving. Just let me get up, okay? You are scaring me." And he was. Underneath the gargantuan form of a possesive, instinct-lead, lycan is not where I want to be. "Please, just let me go."

"No!" He yells through gritted teeth. "Mate won't leave me!"

I look up at him with terrified eyes, my chest rising and falling with my fast breaths. I bite my lip as his claws start to sink in to the flesh of my wrists.

"You. Stay," he demands.

"Yes, I-I'll stay."

He glances down at my shaking form beneath him before looking back at my face. I plead with him through my eyes to let me go. I'm not sure where this possesive behavior came from, but it terrifies me.

He releases a warning growl before letting go slowly. Theseus stands up, regarding me with a passive expression. I sit up and push my back against the wall, too afraid to move anywhere else.

"Theseus. What was that?"

He runs his hands through his hair and tugs at the ends. He paces back and forth in front of me.

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