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Leah's POV

The day after my phone call with Dad and Pepper, Shuri said that Bucky had asked to be put on ice, meaning he wouldn't be let out until there was an emergency or it had been a year. Those were the conditions, because he felt too dangerous.

I was left alone that day, spending it reading in my house and avoiding people, upset that I was once again going to be the only one who truly understands what I'm going through.

The day after that however, after my therapy session, Shuri told me they were ready to move onto the next stage of my treatment, trying to converge the two separate states of mind into one. She says it'll be done while I'm in the other's mind state because it's easier to turn me back from it than it is to turn me into it.

Honestly, I was terrified of it. What if I was stuck as it forever, having to be locked away and used as a S.H.E.I.L.D weapon for the rest of my life. Or what if I was left in a cell to rot for the rest of eternity? Or what if I became some kind of horrific amalgamation of personality, or some god awful Jekyll and Hyde character.

Either way, I had one week until I was changed for good. One week until I may not exist if all goes horrifically wrong and my brain turns to mush. Or one week until I'm cured ad get all of the good and none of the bad and am no longer dangerous.

I hope to god it's the last one.

With my last week, Shuri took me all throughout the capital, the markets, the mall's, even the silly 'touristy bits' as Shuri called them, even though they didn't let in outsiders. It was fun.

On my last day, the day before the procedure, Shuri took me to one of her favourite places, an amusement park. All of the sign's were in Wakandan, so honestly, I had no idea what I was getting into.

We walked in and were greeted with smiles from the employee's and Shuri took me to her favourite ride. Of course, due to Wakanda's insane shield technology, I had no idea what I was in for.

It was actually kind of fun, a lot of loops and large drops so much screaming. We stayed the whole day, T'challa eventually joining us at around lunch, when we were in a small restaurant, eating some food.

The rest of the day was ridiculously fun, T'challa got his face painted as a butterfly on a dare, Shuri ended up playing one of those milk bottle games for a solid 45 minuets until she finally won the Spiderman plushie - 'Spiderman owns all my uwu's' - and I got dared to try and run through a mirror maze, which lets just say did not go well, thank god broken noses are easy to fix here.

When we finally got back, Shuri offered to let me stay with her until the procedure, however I refused. I needed to go back to my space and call Dad and Pepper, which is exactly what I did.

"Pepper Pott's, Stark residence, who is it?"

"Hey Pepper, it's Leah."

"Oh, Hi sweetheart, how are you?"

"I'm okay, tired really from the long day. The amusement parks are so cool in Wakanda."

In the background, just before Pepper responded, I heard Tony yell "Pep, who is that?" before Pepper quickly returned "Your daughter, put on some clothes before you step out of the bathroom or I swear to god.", which gave me a bit of a giggle.

"So anyway, Pepper, how was your day?" I asked.

"Well, me and your dad just woke up, so I'm just getting ready to leave for a meeting and your father has a meeting at 3:30 this afternoon so he better be there or I'm cancelling his trip to the Caribbean for when your daughter gets back!"

Leah Stark - The Unknown ChildWhere stories live. Discover now