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Trigger Warning - Active Shooter Situation

Leah's POV

As we entered the main entrance of the hall butterflies began to accumulate in my stomach. What if one of the employees noticed me? What if FRIDAY says something on accident?
Even though it was my last day, I was still on edge. Obviously Peter knew about me and I had a feeling MJ might as well, but the rest of the class was clueless.
I stuck to the back of the line before realising I had forgotten my card, now although I could enter the building without a card due to being a Stark, it would look suspicious to literally everyone on the trip. I gently tapped Peter on the shoulder and he quickly turned around.
"Peter, I forgot my card." I whispered to him.
Quickly, he shuffled through his bag, pulling out a card that had my name fake name on it and passed it to me.
"Here, it's the level 4 badge. Your dad gave it to me, because he wanted you to have one for the trip and invade you ever decide to do another school tour. Just say your a mid-level intern, you'll be fine." He whispered, causing me to smile. Everyone soon got given their level 1 access badges that would be deactivated when they scanned the exit.
Needless to say, everyone was shocked when the new kid, myself, pulled out a level 4 intern card. Maeve, our tour guide, snickered. She was an intern I had worked with once or twice when I had to go down to the intern labs to pick up some stuff and ended up helping with a couple of projects.
"Nice to see you again Leah." Maeve said joyfully, before changing her tone to a whisper, "Level 4, your dad's really trying to make you seem inconspicuous."
"Maeve, really, I swear to the gods if you know what they are trying to pull you better tell me!" I whispered back.
"Sorry kiddo, sworn to secrecy." She told me, putting up her arms and laughing a bit. I laughed back, confusing the rest of the class.
"Of course Penis Parker's new hot best friend is also a Stark intern." I heard Flash mutter.

We wondered to the elevator where Maeve took us up to the Avengers gallery museum, causing both myself and Peter to laugh when we saw his original suit, also know as the onesie. Then I saw the small placard with an interesting fact on it.
"Spider-Man's scared of spiders, what the shit!" Flash yelled, causing everyone to jump and turn in his direction and the teacher to tell him to be respectful. Maeve walked over and explained to him that not many people had met Spider-Man but on one occasion he came into the lab she was working in shrieking because a spider had chased him into the elevator.
"Yeah you'd be scared of them too if one bit you and gave you powers." Peter whispered to me, making me laugh.

We wandered around a bit more before moving on to one of the smaller R&D labs that, to me and Peter, seemed like a classroom. Of course, it was at that moment when Clint fell from the vents, causing dust to spray everywhere. Quickly he jumped up and brushed himself off, smiling at the group.
"Hi guys! I'm Hawkeye, the coolest Avenger. Have any of you seen Leah St- Silver or Peter Parker. I've decided to bother them, like when they were working on the lightsabers for the grand battle between those two, Starks kid and Shuri, whenever she turns up next." Both myself and Peter instantly shrank behind the large group who were now looking at the two of us.
He looked at the two of us and gave the two of us a smile that radiated 'this is gonna be fun for me'. "Hi guys, how are you two? Leah, how are the engineering classes going? Figure out the fluctuation equation yet?" He laughed.
"Hi Clint, figure out how to do differential equations yet or are you still stuck on the 6th grade math book Tony got you for your birthday." I replied, causing his smile to drop and the class to stare at me like I was mad for saying this to a master assassin. Peter on the other hand burst out laughing, causing Clint to glare at him.
"Don't encourage her Pete! Or do you need me to get up the clip of you sprinting down the hall in the Thor onesie with a bowl of lucky charms and then slamming into a glass door? Do you really want me to ruin your dignity?"
"Bold of you to assume I have dignity." Peter yelled before instructing FRIDAY to play the video of him slamming into multiple glass doors followed by the compilation of Clint getting stuck in vents.
Clint obviously was distraught by the fact that Peter and I had ruined his plans of humiliating us and jumped back up into the vents.

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