You Are The Only Exception:Ch 13 {Teacher/Student Relationship}

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~You Are The Only Exception: {Teacher/Student Relationship}~

Chapter 13!


Please, enjoy
reading this!! =]


'No...' I told myself.

"Michelle...please look--" I heard him say.

He stopped when the door suddenly started to open. I shifted my gaze
from my lap to the door, and saw that it was Riley.

"Hey Everett." he said with a grin on his face. He turned his head and
saw me, and his grin grew bigger, and he began walking towards me.
"and Michelle." He said while sitting in the chair to my left.

I started fidgeting in my chair, and reached down to grab my bag off
the floor.

"Riley. What are you doing here?" Mr. Thompson asked him.

"Oh you know--" he began to say, but stopped when I stood up and
headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" I heard Mr. Thompson say.

"Home." I said simply, while still facing the door. 'I had to think about
things, or talk to my mom.' I told myself.

"Let me give you a ride." I heard Riley say, and before I could say no, he
was already beside me.
"Bye Everett."

"Michel--" I heard Mr. Thompson said, but I opened the door and walked

Before I knew it, I was already in the parking lot, and heading for Riley's

"You look like you can use a hug." Riley said, and I looked behind me
to see him grinning, and that he had stop walking, and spread his arms
"Come on, you know you want it."

I felt my face heat up a slightly, but walked over to him, and felt his arms
wrap around me. Soon I found myself hugging back, and I sighed.

"Can we go now." I said while pulling away from his embrace.

"Sure I gue--"

"I'll take her home Riley." I heard Mr. Thompson say.

"No... please, Riley take me home." I whispered to him.

"Alright, the doors unlocked. Go get in." He said and I nodded.

I walked quickly to his car, got in quickly, and locked the door. I looked
forward to see Mr. Thompson staring at me while talking to Riley. He
turned away and headed for his Land Rover, while Riley turned around
smirking at me. He got in, and started the car.

"He told me to tell you that he'll talk to you after school Monday."
I nodded and stared at my lap. Riley got me home in no time. I thanked
him and headed inside, and immediately smelled chicken pot pie.
As if on cue, my stomach growled. I walked towards the kitchen and
saw my Mom with an apron on.

"Hi Mom." I said while smiling.

"Hi sweetie." She said while handing me a plate with some chicken pot
pie on it. I walked towards the dining room table, and my mom joined me
shortly after with two glasses of ice water.

She began telling me about her day of work, and that she has tons of
manuscripts to read, and that she need to do some shopping for her
business trip.

"Mom.... Can I ask you something?" I asked nervously.

"Anything sweetie."

"Remember what I told you... when Dad and you were getting a divorce." I
said while looking at my lap.

"That you don't believe in love...." She sighed, but continued, and laughed
a little. "You said 'Why do people bother with love, if it never lasts.'.
..remember?" I looked up at her and nodded.

"I'm just scared... I just figured out that I have... Feelings for someone." I
said, while biting my lower lip and looking away.

"It doesn't matter who it is, Michelle. You can't help who you have feelings
for, or who you fall in love with." She said, while grabbing my hand.

"I'm still scared." I looked up at her and smiled.

"You just have a fear of falling in love, Michelle. In order to love, you must
risk pain" She said, and smiled.

I nodded, grabbed my plate, and stood up.

"Oh no sweetie leave it here, I got it."

"Alright." I said, while putting the plate on the table. "Good night Mom."

"Night Michelle."

I started climbing the stairs, with my bag on my shoulder. I finally made it
to my room and sat on my bed. I fished my phone out of my pocket, and
placed it on my nightstand.

 I changed into shorts and a muscle shirt, and climbed back into bed.

'Do I really like... him?' I thought and sighed.

'I can't... I have to stay away from him......but, can I?' I sighed again,

'I have to keep my distance..... yes..... Stay away,....' I told myslef
and I soon fell asleep.


The weekend seemed to go by in a blur.


I woke up, showered, and put on black skinny jeans, and pale green
V-neck T-shirt on.

The day seemed to go by fast, and before I knew it Sam and me were
heading for our lunch table.

"All your going to eat is one slice of pizza?" Sam asked me.

"Yes ma'am." I said while smiling to her.

"Your crazy." She muttered.

Before I could respond Derek, and Rikki sat down. Rikki leaned forward
in his chair, and was staring at me, or rather my eyes.

I shifted in my chair awkwardly. "Are you looking at my soul?" I asked.

He laughed and pulled back. "Your eyes are a darker grey today."

I raised and eyebrow and just nodded my head. I felt my phone vibrate
and pulled it out of my front pocket. '1 New Message'

Everett: We need to talk, after school.

I snorted and shoved my phone back in my pocket.

"What?" Rikki said.

"Nothing." I smiled sheepishly.


I felt nervous when I started walking to Physics, because I was late.... by
thirty or so minutes.

I sighed and walked inside the classroom, and sat in my chair.

"Michelle what are you doing here?" I turned my head, and saw Mr.
Thompson leaning back in his chair.

I gave him a confused look.

"Sixth periods cut today. There's an assembly going on in the gym."

I sighed, stood up, and headed for the door, but stopped when I
saw that he was in front of me.

"Wait..." he said while running his hands through his hair.

I stared at the floor and waited for him to continue.

"..... I'm sorry I yelled at you, It was wrong of me to do that." I heard him
say and I nodded.
"and please, ....... don't ignore me......"

"Sorry, and excuse me sir." I said and tried to go around him, but he
blocked me way with his arm. I looked at him and gave him a confused

He smirked back. "You have after school detention with me today, for
skipping the assembly."

"What!?" I said shocked.

"We only have few seconds left. So therefore I say you were skipping."

"Whatever." I said, and went to go sit in my seat, then the bell rang. I put
my head on the desk and waited. A few minutes passed and I looked up
to see Mr. Thompson leaning back in his chair, with his feet on his desk,
staring out the window.

He must have felt my gaze and turned towards me. I kept my gaze on him,
taking in his green limpid eyes, and the way the sun made his skin look

"I got to go." I said while grabbing my bag, and making my way to the door.

"Bye Michelle."

"Bye." I said softly.

I walked toward the parking lot and saw Rikki still was still here, and that
he was sitting in his car. I walked towards it and knocked on the window.
He looked up surprised, and gestured for me to come in. I opened the door
but didn't sit down.

"Hey Michelle."

"What are you doing Rikki?"

"I was .. uh .... waiting for you." He said while blushing.

"How did you know I was still here?"

"I saw you in Mr. T's class... So I figured you had detention... So I waited.
So,.... come on get in."

"Alright." I said with a smile on my face.


We got to my house in no time.

"Thanks Rikki."

"No prob. See you tomorrow." He said, and I nodded my head.



Time seems to go by fast when your a senior. I found that out, because today
was the last day of school, then Christmas break began.

I found myself in a couple of more detention with Mr. Thompson, but Riley would always save me, and take me home.

I put myself at a distance from Mr. Thompson. I often found him staring at me
or found myself staring at him when he was giving a lesson.

"Have a great day, and a safe break everyone." Mr. Thompson said, and with
that said the bell rang.

I found my Mom waiting for me on time, for once.

"Hey sweetie." She looked a bit nervous to me.

"Hi Mom. Uh... your early today."

"Yeah... lets go home."

The car ride was silent, and uncomfortable to me.

We finally reached home, and my Mom went straight to her room.

"Michelle come here. I have to tell you something." I heard her say.

"Yeah, wh--" I started to say, but stopped when I saw that she was
packing her suitcase with clothes.

She turned around and looked at me. "Remember that business trip I
was talking about awhile back." I nodded my head. "Well it's during your
Christmas break," She said while biting her lip. "but i'll be back for
Christmas I promise."

"Oh, Its okay Mom. It's your job. So will I stay here... at home."

"Oh, of course not."

"I'm turned eighteen last month though, I can take care of myself."

"I know sweetie, but.... maybe if it was a weekend business trip, but its

I sighed. "Alright,.... well who am I staying with then?" I asked, while I
forced on a fake smile.

"Well, all my friends are going on this trip too. So I...."

"All my friends are all going to visit their relatives, so there not an option....
So, who?" I said.

She bit her bottom lip. "...... Everett's."

"W-wait..... w-who's." I said with a shaky voice, I felt my heart beat
quicken, and my my breath was getting shallow.

"Everett....." She said again.

I took a big gasp, and slid down the wall I was leaning on.


Okay... Finished! =]

Okay thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed this!

Sorry I took forever!

I was editing, re-reading, and fixing my mistakes, but I
can't guarantee I fixed them all. =/

I would type a sentence or two, and wouldn't like it so I would
delete, re-type, and delete again, until I finally liked it.

I'll try to have chapter 14 up by Friday. Since I'm in a writing
mood today.
I have a feeling I'll get some of chapter 14 done! (:

Please leave comments!!......  Thanks in advance for
anyone who does! (:

Oh, and I'm working on a new book cover! =D

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