You Are The Only Exception:Ch 27

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~You Are The Only Exception: {Teacher/Student Relationship}~

Chapter 27


The rest of spring break past by fast. I felt hormonal all week long, but I always pushed the feeling down. I also felt kind of different, but I shrugged that away too.

I was now laying in my bed own bed, alone, and was staring up at the ceiling. My dream kept playing over and over in my head. I was trying to make sense of it. What does it mean.

I closed my eyes, and tried remembering, before I forgot what all happened. I remember I was sitting on some bed,... a gurney. I saw Everett yelling at me, he was a few feet away from the foot of the bed. He was yelling, and pointing at me, then to himself. He was beyond angry. He turned his back to me, and grabbed the door handle. He turned his head to say something over his shoulder. He opened the door, and slammed it. I only knew that because the pictures that were hanging on the wall vibrated from the force.

I slowly opened my eye. I have a bad feeling somethings going to happen. Something bad. Should I tell Everett, and maybe he'll think I'm crazy.

"Michelle! It's time for school!" I heard my Mom yell from down the hall.

I let out a small groan. "Alright!" I yelled back.

I climbed out of bed, and grabbed some clothes, as the water for my shower warmed up. 'I'm so glad I'm a senior, because right now I hate school. And mornings.' I thought to myself as I stepped inside the shower. The warm water felt so soothing on my body. I felt so sore, and this shower, and steam felt amazing, and it felt like it was what I needed this morning.

I put on my bra, and underwear, and threw my hair up into a wet, messy bun. I stepped inside my room, and grabbed my pants that I had put on my bed. I went to button my pants when... "What the hell." I murmured. They felt tight... scratch that, they are tight. Why? I mean I didn't eat that much in Corpus. Or did I?

I sighed, and scratched my head in frustration. My Mom seriously needs to stop washing my jeans. I threw on my grey V-neck shirt, and ran down the stairs. I went to the kitchen to see my Mom standing by the stove in her pajamas. "Sweetie your going to be late." Her voice was hard, and she gave me a knowing look.

I grabbed my tote, that was beside the table. "It's not my fault." I grabbed my phone next, and looked up at her to see her raise an eyebrow. I looked away quickly. "Okay maybe it is."

I heard keys jingling, and looked up to see my Mom handing them to me. "You better be careful Michelle."

I grinned. "Okay." I was about to take them when she moved away.

"I mean it honey."

She handed them to me. "I will, thanks Mom."

She laughed. "Your welcome."

"Okay, well I better get going." I was about to walked away when she stopped me.

"Not without these." My Mom placed a couple of tacos in a sandwich bag, and handed them to me. Then another. "One for Everett, and one for you."

I smiled. "I love you Mom." I said, while pulling her into a hug.

"Love you too. Now go."

I nodded, and ran out the door. I climbed into the car, and switched the radio station, and soon I was driving off to school. I parked in the school parking lot, and noticed only a few cars were here. "Good." I breathed out. I looked across the lot to see Everett's car. And with that, I smiled.

I walked down the science hall, and finally reached his door. I peered through the small window that was in the door, but saw no one. I quietly opened the door, and stepped inside. I saw Everett at his desk, reading the paper. As soon as the door closed behind me, and might I add loudly, I saw Everett's head snap up. A smile, made it's way across his lips.

"Hi." I said shyly.

I heard him chuckle, as I made me way to stand beside him. "Hey. What are you doing this early at school?"

Tacos... Right! I dug through my tote, and pulled out one bag, and handed it to him. "Uh, here. My Mom made them for you." I had no idea why I was being like this. I felt shy, and it was awkward.

He grabbed the bag, and then my hand pulling me onto his lap. "Something wrong?"

I looked away from him, and down towards the paper. "Nope." I tried to sound confident.

"Babe." He took hold of my chin, and forced me to look at him. "What's wrong."

I stared into his eyes, and saw his searching mine. I finally sighed, and pulled me face away. "I have a bad feeling." I sighed again, and looked back in his eyes. "Like something bad is going to happen to us." My eyes started to water.

"Hey." His hands cupped my face. "Don't cry, Michelle. Nothing is going to happen to us."

He sounded so sure. That only made anger boil inside me. "How do you know, huh?" I pulled my face from his grasp, and turned my attention to the tiles on the floor.

"Michelle, I just-"

"Do not tell me 'I just know', 'cause that's bullshit." I jumped off his lap, and started walking towards the windows, and it was a good thing the blinds were shut.

"Michelle, please."

I felt my hands shake. I closed them into tight fists, hoping to make them stop. "What if I was pregnant?" I asked through clenched teeth.

"What?" I heard his voice go up an octave.

"I said 'what if'."

I turned to face him, and saw him staring at me with wide eyes. "I-I." he started. "Michelle, your too young." He was still looking at me, while running a hand through his hair.

"So you would make me get an abortion?" I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"I didn't say that."

"But you didn't deny it. Would you Everett?"

He stood up, and walked over to where I was standing in a few steps. He pressed his body against mine, and pushed me against the window sill. "No." His eyes bore into mine. "Do you know why?"

I tried to look away, but I just couldn't. "No." I whispered while shaking my head.

He rested his forehead against mine, and placed one of his hands on my hip, and the other on my stomach. "Because that person that you would be carrying in here." He rubbed my stomach. "Would have a part of me in it." he chuckled, and shook his head. "Did that make sense?"

"Yeah." I whispered, and smiled.

"Good, now." He pulled away, and grabbed my hand dragging me back over to his desk. "Sit." I sat down in his chair, as he leaned against his desk. "Taco time." He winked at me, and then pulled a taco out of his bag.

I grabbed mine out of my tote, and did the same thing. The tortilla reached my lips, and I stopped to see Everett staring at me. "What?"

He smiled at me, and shook his head. "Nothing." I had this feeling in my stomach that maybe he wasn't telling me something. "So, are you going to come visit me during lunch?" I raised one of my eyebrows, and chewed. "I get very lonely." He gave me a knowing look.

I swallowed. "No." I shook my head, and closed my eyes.

I felt his hot breath on my cheek, and finally pressed his lips against mine. "Please?"

I sighed inwardly, and shook my head again.

"Please?" I felt his lips on mine once again.


"I'll take that." I finally opened my eyes, and saw him grinning.


"So,... Are you going?" I turned to Sam, and gave her a quizzical look.


"You know what she's talking about." Derek bumped my hip, and I let out a nervous laugh.

"Did anyone see Rikki?" I asked trying to change the subject. I looked around, but didn't see him.

"Hmm I think he said something about finishing a test he missed." Derek looked at me like I had the answer written on my face.

"Okay." I said holding the 'o' longer than I should have. "So..."

"So go already, sheesh." Sam shoved my sandwich in my tote. Along with my apple, and cherry coke. "Scoot, or I'll kick you."

"Okay, okay, I'm going geez." I turned to see Derek in my way.

I tilted my head to the side, and step aside for some other people to move passed us with their lunch. His eyes flickered to Sam. "Sam, I'll be right back. Can you take my lunch to the table?"

"Uh, sure." She nodded her head, and began to walk off.

Before I could ask Derek anything, he grabbed one of my wrists and began pulling me out of the cafeteria. "Derek." I whispered.

We headed to the science wing, and finally stopped in front of Everett's door. Derek turned and looked at me. "Michelle, I swear if this guy does anything to you... I seriously will wait for the last day of school, and will literally beat the shit out of him."

"Woah, hey calm down." I chuckled slightly.

"I'm being serious, Mel."

I definitely could tell he was. "Mel?"

He sighed loudly. "Yes,... Mel. I like it and it's a lot shorter."

"I like it too." I said honestly. "And I swear you'd be the first to know. Okay?"

"Alright." He sighed again, and started to walk off.

"Derek." my voice barely above a whisper. I was surprised he heard me.

"What's up?"

Should I tell him about my dream? Or maybe not. I sighed loudly, and looked up at him. "I've been a bad feeling about us."

"Us? As in you, and him." he thrusts his chin at the door.

"Yeah." I answered quietly.

"That what? You think he's going to leave you again?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Mel, we'll talk about this later. Don't ruin your appetite over a 'feeling' you have. Okay?"

I felt a small smile creep on my lips. "Alright. I'll see you later."

"Yep. Bye Mel-Mel." He winked at me, and then turned to leave.

I turned to face the door. I closed my eyes, and inhaled, and exhaled slowly. I opened the door, and stepped inside. I noticed right away the room was dark, and that a movie was playing. Oceans.

I looked over towards the windows to see Everett staring outside, while taking a bit out of a strawberry. He looked so handsome when the sun was shining on him through the blinds.

The door shut loudly, once again, and his head snapped in my direction. He gave me a smile, showing his bright white teeth.

I gave him a small wave, and smile. I made my way to the front, and put my tote on the nearest lab table.

"You came."

I gazed up at him, and nodded my head. "Yeah, I did."

He threw the top of the strawberry, and the leaves in the trash, and leaned against his desk. "Something wrong?"

I sat down in the chair, and pulled out my sandwich. "No, nothing's wrong."

"Mhmm." he didn't sound convinced. How shocking.

"Oh right, Derek said that, and I quote 'beat the shit out of him' if anything happened to me."

He chuckled. "That's nice."

"Just giving you a heads up." I took a bite of my sandwich, and savor the grape, and peanut butter flavor. I turned my attention to the movie, which was talking, and showing footage of the Iguana's.

"Michelle, you know I love you... right?"

My gaze went to Everett. His brow furrowed, and he's eyes were serious. "Yeah, I know." I nodded, and smiled. I have no idea where he was going with this.

He soon grabbed my hand, and started tugging it. "Come here."

I laughed softly. "Why?"

"I want to show you something." he grinned, and I finally let him pulled me up. I stood in front of his desk, as he searched one of his top drawer for something.

"What are you looking for?"

He ignored me, and kept searching. Until he finally pulled out his phone, and came to stand behind me. He put his phone in my hands. "Turn it on." His hands went to my hips.

I looked up at his face, which was on my shoulder. I raised an eyebrow, but he just kept eyeing his phone, and waited patiently for me to turn it on. I pressed the power button on top of the phone, and held it until the screen lit up. "Why am I doing this for?" I questioned with a chuckle.

I felt his lips hover over the side of my neck. "You'll see."

The screen finally popped up, so I slide one of the buttons to unlock the screen. I wasn't ready for what I saw. I gasped, and smiled all at once. It was a picture of us at the zoo, in the lori exhibit. "Oh my god." I whispered. "I can't believe you still have this." I turned around, but my eyes were still looking at his phone wallpaper. Soon the screen blacked out, and I torn my gaze from it, and looked up at Everett.

"That was one of the best days I ever had." he whispered. His gaze flickering down to my lips, and then back up to my eyes.

"That was one of the best days of my life." I whispered. Everett was a good arms length away from me. I couldn't help, but check him out. Even when he was in a blue plaid button up shirt, which he had the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, and a pair of slacks,... well, he looked super handsome, hot, and sexy. All at once.

I saw him move closer to me. Closing the distance I had put between us. "Michelle..." he murmured. His hands went to my waist, and he pulled me towards him. Our bodies now touching, and I knew I should move away, but I didn't... couldn't. He started leaning down, his lips closing the distance from mine.

I wanted this. I wanted a sweet kiss from the man I loved. Not a peck, or a brush. But a full on loving kiss. His eyes bore into mine, waiting for me to protest.

I finally felt them, and my eyes closed instinctively. The smooth, and soft skin I've been dying to feel upon my lips. I opened my mouth slightly, and soon his tongue touched mine. I felt my knees wobble, and it was a good thing he had a grip on my waist. He lifted me up, and onto his desk without breaking the kiss.

I soon pulled away for air, and gasped. His lips didn't stop though. They trailed down my cheek, and jaw line. I felt his hot breath on my neck,... I shivered. All I wanted at that moment was the feeling of his lips again my neck. I wanted to feel that sensation his lips gave me. I wanted him to mark me. Pure bliss ran through me at the thought of that.

I ran my hands through his hair, while pushing down slightest but he wouldn't budge. I groaned, and all he did was chuckled. I wiggled around a bit, and he settled between my legs. He was torturing me. I felt his hot breath caressing my neck. "Please?" I whispered, as I combed through his hair with my hands.

I grabbed his face, and pressed my lips to his. He pulled away after a minute, and stared into my eyes. He then answered my question. "No."

I pulled away from him slightly. "W-why not?" Hurt crossed over my heart.

He chuckled, and grabbed my chin with his index, and thumb. "Not to where someone will see, cutie." He let go of my chin, and one of his fingers trailed down my jaw, and soon my neck. What shocked me the most was that his finger kept creeping down. He was never like this at school? Was it because of spring break? Because we had sex?... Or 'made love' is how I like to see it, but we never really talked bout what we call our... Love making?

I felt his finger dip into my cleavage. My face heated up fast, and I had to look away. I resisted the urge to shiver. Soon his finger was gone, but he pulled my V-neck shirt down slightly so that the top of my right breast was showing, but not enough to see my bra.

My head snapped back, and I saw him staring straight at me. He finally looked away, and started lowering his head. He gripped my waist when he pressed his lips against my skin. My hands went straight to his hair. "Everett." I gasped slightly.

I felt his tongue move over my skin, as he started sucking softly. Soon I felt his teeth gently biting at my skin.

I heard the door open, and then a voice. "Hey Mr. Thompson, I came by to finish that tes-. What the hell are you doing!"

My eyes snapped open, and Everett pulled away. I looked towards the door to see Rikki standing there. Furious. A furious Rikki, equal yelling. He stalked over to where we were. Everett didn't move from between my legs though. He just looked back down at me with a smirk on his face, and amusement in his eyes.

"Move!" Rikki boomed.

Everett stepped back some, and held up his hands. "Calm down."

"Fuck you." Rikki mumbled.

I was sure that Everett wouldn't hear that, but he started laughing. He was like half way across the room, and was now locking the door. "I'm an idiot." I whispered to myself. I was jello in Everett's  hands.

I heard Rikki sigh. "Yes you are."

I looked up at him shocked. "W-what did you said?" Maybe I heard him wrong.

"Your an idiot." He stared straight at me, while saying it.

I felt my pain go across my heart. "Rikki..." I whispered. I reached out to touch him, but he backed away. I retracted my hand, and set it on my lap.

"Do you know why your an idiot?"

I shook my head.

"Because your stupid enough to let him do that to you, especially in school. With the fucking door unlocked too, Michelle! What if it wasn't me that walked in! Your ass would have been in deep shit!" Tears threatened to fall, and I was trying so hard to hold them back. "I can't believe you Michelle. I thought you were smarter."

I felt my bottom lip quiver, and a tear ran down my cheek. I dropped my head so the only thing I saw was my lap, and the tiled floor. "That's enough." Everett said. "If you want to blame someone, then blame me."

"I know that!" Rikki growled. "It's just the fact that Michelle, " I saw Rikki gestured to me. "would be dumb enough to let you do that too her! She knows better!" He turned to face me again. "God." he slammed his fist on Everett's desk. "You know better!"

"Rikki." I whispered again.

"You couldn't wait until after school, or until off campus to do this shit." I felt his finger brush over my love bite. "How idiotic of you." The tears were still spilling.

"I said enough." Everett's voice echoed the room.

He didn't stop though. "He's a player Michelle. And a heart breaker." I snapped my head up. "He's broken your heart more than twice. What make's you think he won't do it again?"

I looked out of the corner of my eye to see Everett staring at me. "I... I-I"

"Here. Your test." Everett grumbled. He wasn't going to deny it. Or rather anything. No comeback. I hopped off the desk, and wiped off my tears with the back of my hands. I grabbed my tote leaving my sandwich on the desk. "Babe, where are you going?"

I heard Rikki snort as he sat down at a desk. "Michelle doesn't like pet names. But I guess I wouldn't know much about you anymore, since you changed so much."

I heard Everett let out a irritated sigh. "Michelle, you're my first real love. Do you really think I'd do that again. I might have been a player, and heart breaker at some point, but people change Rikki." It was Rikki's turn to snort.

...Wait, I'm his first. Miles had said he was in love with Jesse. Everett's lying. Why. "No I'm not." I responded after thinking.

Everett turned to me with wide eyes. "What?"

"I'm not your first love."

"Shocker there." Rikki mumbled.

Everett ignored him. "How do you know?"

"Miles told-"

A humorless laugh left Everett mouth. "Miles, huh?"

"What's you problem with him? What happened between you two?"

"You don't need to know that." he stared at me with hard eyes.

"Miles? Who's Miles?"

This time I ignored Rikki. "If we have a future together, I think I deserve to know."

"Drop it."

"Hello? Am I talking to myself?" Rikki sighed.

"No. What happened?" I pressed.

"I said drop it!" he yelled.

I flinched at his tone. The tears spilling over again. I shouldered my tote, and threw away my sandwich.

"Shit." he whispered. "Michelle, I'm sorry." he reached to touch my face, and I flinched back. I knew he wouldn't hit me, but I just didn't want him to touch me at all. "Don't be like that, you know I love you."

"Then tell me." I stared at the tiled floor.

"One day I will. Soon, I promise." I nodded, and smiled. He cupped one of my cheeks with his hand, and wiped away my tears that fell on that side.

I needed to find Miles. Or at least get his number. I need to talk to him, and maybe he'll finish telling me that story that he started at the beach.

Everett sighed. "Go in my mini fridge. I have some strawberries in there, you can eat them."

I felt my stomach rumble. "My stomach yelling at me." I looked up at Everett and grinned.

He laughed. "Well I think I'd be mad too if I threw a delicious sandwich away."

"I'd love strawberries!" Fake enthusiasm in Rikki's voice. We both turned to look at him. "Oh, now I'm not invisible, huh?" And with that be said, we all started laughing.


The week was soon over, and I felt exhausted. I'm starting to dislike school, and mornings. Since Everett was staying at school to grade some paper, I thought of going down town.

After school I felt like going to the book store. A place where I love being. I opened the door, and stepped inside. I was immediately greeted by a worker. I smiled at him, and made my way to the teen section.

I saw a worker kneeling in front of a shelf with books in his arms, he soon stood up, and put the rest away.

I turned my attention to the first shelf of books. I saw a women out of the corner of my eye walk up the the worker. "Excuse me Sir, could you help me find the Bibles."

"Of course, It should be at the back wall, in the right corner." He pointed in the direction. There was something familiar about his voice.

"Thank you very much."

"No problem." he then turned his attention to me, and I fixed my gazed back to the book shelf. "Do you need any-. Michelle?"

I turned to see Miles. "Miles?" I asked shocked. "Hey!" I ran the short distance, and gave him a hug.

He laughed, but still wrapped his arms around me. "Hey."

I unwrapped my arms from around his neck, and blushed. "Sorry about that."

He chuckled. "It's fine."

"I didn't know you worked here." I smiled at the apron he was wearing.

He smiled back. "Eh, I needed the money, I'm actually working part time, so yeah."

"I should work here, since I come almost every few days or so."

"That's what she said." he winked.

My jaw dropped. "Dude." I laughed.

"Maybe you should. I wouldn't mind working with you." He smirked, and went back to stocking books.

"When do you get off?" I blurted out. I soon blushed again.

He laughed. "Actually in about, " he check his watch. "thirty minutes. Why?"

"Do you want to grab coffee with me?"

He turned to look at me, and I was scared that he would say no. He grinned, and nodded. "Why Michelle, are you asking me out on a date?" he winked.

"I-I wanted you to tell me that story, or finish it actually."

"It's a date then."

"It's not a date!" I whispered harshly.

And all he did was grin, and I couldn't help but smile back.


I wanted outside for Miles to come out, and after playing a game on my phone for a few he finally came out. He wore a sweater, and as I saw that I finally noticed it was a bit chilly. "Ready?" I nodded, and was about to walk next to him when I remembered my car. "What's wrong?"

"Uh, I'll follow you."

"You can just ride with me you know."

"Oh, okay then." I smiled, and started following him, and we soon made it to a...

"No fucking way!" I gasped. "How do you have this!?" I stopped next to a Dodge Challenger.

"It's my birthday gift from my dad."

"Happy birthday!" I grinned.

He looked at me, well I think he was but I couldn't really tell since he was wearing sun glasses. "Thanks." he smirked, and unlocked the door. "So, are you ready for this date?"

I sighed, as I climbed into the car. I give up. "Yeah, yeah I am."

"Oh, that hurts." He put a hand over his heart. I laughed, and shook my head.

"Yes! Why yes I am!" I smiled big, and winked.

"Now that's more like it." he laughed, and turned on his car.



Anyway! Another done, and I have a good idea what I wanna do with this story.

And just a side note... This story will not be ending anytime soon ;)
I've just grown too attached to it lol

Please! :D

And also,



If I get lots of comments, and votes, I promise I'll upload sooner! ;)
I really do promise this time!

Hugs to each and every one of you that still read this! :)

And I wanted Evereyone to hear Paramore's new song 'Monster'.... I fell in love ;)

You Are The Only Exception {Teacher/Student Relationship}Where stories live. Discover now