Chapter 9

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I get up and walked out, no groceries in my hands. Tears stained my face as I drove back home. Why does he want me? What more could he want from me? How the hell did he find me?
I unlock the door, not paying attention to the car outside. I walk through the door and sniff and I go to the cabinet and get some wrapping bandages for my wrist. He squeezed it so hard I thought it was broken or just really badly sprained. However, I couldn't go to the doctor because how the hell would I explain what happened without looking weak?
"Where were you?" A familiar voice said out of nowhere. I jumped. It was Mal.
I turned around to face him. "Jesus, you scared the sh*t out of me."
He snickered and walked closer to me. "Where were you?" He asked more sternly this time.
"Just the grocery store," I said a bit nervously.
"Where are the groceries then?" He questioned suspiciously.
I froze.
"Well, um- I mean.. they're... I didn't get any."
He raised his eyebrow and already had his arms crossed.
"Why were you crying?" He noticed the tear stains on my cheeks.
I just froze. Then he noticed my wrist all wrapped up.
"And what the hell happened to your wrist?"
"I-" I had no idea how to answer. Mal grabbed my left wrist gently and I pulled away.
"I-I'm sorry I..." I said getting choked up again. He look a bit worried.
"I have to go," I said as I wiped my tears away from my face.
"Y/n-" he started as I walked out the door. He ran after me and grabbed my arm, a bit harder this time but not hurting.
"Tell me what the hell happened, ok," he stared at me right in the eyes as he said it. "I know you hate 'being weak' and crying or whatever, but you need to tell me what's going on with you."
I nodded. I loved him so much.

We went inside as he had his arm around me. We sat on our couch and I told him everything. With each word, Mal grew angrier with each word.
"Where does Brian live?" He asked madly.
I chuckled a bit and looked away from him. "Mal, promise me you won't do anything. Trust me it's better if we just play along."
"Are you f*cking kidding me?! After what he did to you?" He grew sympathetic. "What did he even do to you anyway?"
I looked at him as a tear came down my cheek. He wiped it away and smiled.
"I'm here for you, y/n. It's ok," he said as he hugged me.
I took a deep breath. "He tried to rape me." The words rolled off my tongue and I felt so weak. Mal let go of me, astonished.
"What?!" He stood up. "As soon as I find this little sh*t I'm gonna-"
"Mal please," I was crying now. I could tell he felt terribly for me and sat back down as he grabbed my hand.
"Tell me everything."

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