Chapter 7

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"What the hell, Mal?!" I screamed.
"It's not a big deal. Jesus f*cking Christ!" He screamed back.
"If you won't leave your dangerous lifestyle-"
"I won't and I never will," he said angrily.
"If you won't leave your dangerous lifestyle then I'll leave," I sternly said.
He stormed out and slammed the front door. I broke down in tears. We've been dating for the past 3 years and he's the death of me. We're lucky if we don't fight for a week. He turned 20 a coupled months ago and I'm 19, soon to be 20. I love him don't get me wrong, but his gang lifestyle is just too much. He puts himself and myself in danger on the daily and I can't handle it for much longer. Even though we're 'taking a break' right now, we won't break up, or at least I highly doubt it.
I just can't believe this is my life with him now. We were so in love 3 years ago, hell he gave the win to me for Total Drama. After TD, we were fine for the first few months until we starting this fighting; 2 1/2 years of fighting, wow. I just can't believe I've been with him for 3 years. Time flies when you're in love.
I always seem to cry after we fight, it just gets to be too much for me. I absolutely hate the fighting, and when we yell I can't help but cry.

When I was done crying, I went up to bed just to rest my eyes for a second but ended up falling asleep for the night. I woke up to my phone ringing. I didn't even see who it was, I just kinda picked it up.
"Hello?" I said kind of sleepy.
No answer.
"Hello?" I asked more impatiently.
Still no answer. I listened for a second before I hung up. I looked at the number; it was random but it had a familiar area code. Who was that?
I got dressed in comfy jeans and one of Mal's sweatshirts. Even when we would fight I'd wear something of his. We moved in together the second we both turned 18. When we fight, he usually goes to Cameron's house and stays with him and his girlfriend, Anna.
I go downstairs to grab something quick to eat before I drive to the grocery store. I figured Mal doesn't necessarily like to go shopping so I'd do it cause why not. I then drive over to the store and park. This was going to be boring.
I grab a cart and start grabbing cereal. Ugh of course it's at the very top. I reach up- I'm barley there. If only I had Mal with me.
I hear footsteps behind me but don't think much of it. I reach and reach but still can't grab it.
The person comes right behind me, puts their hand on my waist and grabs the box I want.
"Hey Angel," he whispers in my ear.
My heart sinks and I turn pale. I know that guy. The way he says 'Angel' makes me sick.
I turn around for conformation. Yep, it's him. My ex, Brian.

A/n: sorry if these chapters are kinda short but let me explain what's going on with the story- no I'm not stopping it anytime soon- but basically the previous chapters were made as a comparison to life after TD. This story is going to be a life after paradise kind of thing, so I hope you guys enjoy it. I got some real tea coming soon😉

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