10: Leila

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in case you guys were wondering i wrote this at night while trying to pretend i didn't have school the next day yay

also now is a good time to remind you that geography doesn't always work well for stories, so i've taken a few liberties (i think) ((im not super great at american geography)) (((you have so many states)))


Friday came and went, and before she knew it, Leila was on her way out the door, Angela in tow, while they tried to escape the onslaught of hugs and condolences of people she'd never met. They worked with her mom, and all lived further into the actual city of Seattle.

Please tell me you remembered the journal, Angela signed quickly once they were in the car, her face dropping. Leila groaned.

No. But I'm not getting it.

Angela pulled her door closed, sticking her key in the ignition.

Hey, I'm starting the car. You do it.

No way! Just don't look at them and they won't be able to talk to you, and it won't even look like you're ignoring them. It'll just be like you can't hear them.

Probably because Im deaf, Angela deadpanned. Leila pulled her own door shut.

I know, it's perfect, I'm glad we're in agreement!

Somehow, Angela just rolled her eyes and retreated back to the house, holding up a universally-recognized gesture on her way.

Leila's phone buzzed a few times in accession, and she pulled it out to talk to Zach.

Leila's phone buzzed a few times in accession, and she pulled it out to talk to Zach

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Angela jogged back, breathlessly jumping into her seat.

"Mom definitely knew I was being Extra Deaf, but no one else did," she said as she turned on the car. "Is the radio good?" Leila fiddled with the volume and station as Angela pulled onto the road.

Zach's mom is going to be there, she told her sister when they were at a stop sign. apparently she's waiting to leave for work until she meets us.

"Well, Mom wanted to meet him. It's only natural. Hey, which way is his house?" Leila scrolled back up through their conversation.

Take two lefts, and then it's the house with a big pine tree, she directed. Angela lightly pressed on the break, slowing down until she coasted to a stop beside the house matching Zach's description.

Well, this should be fun, Angela raised her eyebrows suggestively.

They stood at the door after ringing the bell, and it swung open to reveal Zach smiling tiredly.

"Mom's in the kitchen; she's apparently putting out money for some takeout later. But we don't actually have takeout in Langley. Nice sentiment, I guess." He had remembered to direct his face towards Angela, who had apparently decided to just go with the not-so-precise art of lip-reading today.

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