41 → Fluorescent Adolescent

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"What are you doing here, Josie Davis?" Dia asked Joshua as she checked the bottles behind the bar as she took inventory of the stock

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"What are you doing here, Josie Davis?" Dia asked Joshua as she checked the bottles behind the bar as she took inventory of the stock.

"What have I told you about calling me Josie?" Joshua asked in exasperation.

"To do it more often" Dia absentmindedly said and checked off something on the clipboard she's holding. Bucky, who's sitting at the bar, chuckled at their interaction.

The Drunken Dog is closed and it's hours before they open, and in the meantime Dia took inventory. She walked around checking the cases of supplies they have in the back and took note on what they need to order. Bucky helped her and learned how to run a bar and how The Drunken Dog came to be. Especially it's unique name.

Once they settled in the front in the bar area, where they took a small break and Dia taught Bucky how to mix drinks. She even pulled out some books they have stored under the bar so Bucky can follow the instructions and try to mix drinks. Some came out alright but in others he misjudged the measurements and turned out too strong.

Joshua walked up to the bar and eyed all the drinks there "what happened here?"

"We're selling drinks. 50 cents a cup" Bucky smiled up at Joshua.

"What is this, a lemonade stand?" Joshua scoffed. He reached for a random drink and took a sip only for him to make a noise from the back of his throat. Dia and Bucky laughed at him "never touch another bottle" he told Bucky.

"It's not that bad!" Bucky frowned.

"If I take another sip, I'll go blind!" His great-nephew said. Bucky mumbled under his breath and looked away from Joshua.

"What are you doing here, Josie? It's your night off" Dia set the clipboard on the bar and looked up at her friend.

"I actually came to see Grunkle Bucky" Joshua gave her a charming smile.

"Grunkle Bucky?" Dia furrowed her eyebrows "like from Gravity Falls?"

"What the hell is Gravity Falls?" Bucky questioned.

"A cartoon" Dia answered "I can show it to you later" she then gasped and her eyes lit up "or Over The Garden Wall! Or, or, we can watch Chowder–"

"Dia, can you please plan your date with my great-uncle, later? I wanna talk to him" Joshua interrupted his friend.

Dia huffed, leaned over the bar and pulled Bucky in for a deep kiss, making Joshua uncomfortable. She pulled back a couple seconds later, picked up the clipboard and walked away.

"Guess that was my fault" Joshua mumbled and looked up at Bucky who has a light blush across his cheeks "I find it really weird that you and Dia are dating, but she's happier and starting to be her old self again so you have my blessing. Seven blessing child"

"What?" Bucky slightly tilted his head to the right at the last part.

"I have something for you" Joshua reached into the pocket of his jeans and when he pulled his hand out, a beaded chain is hanging from his fingers. At the end of the chain, two thin squares of stainless steel with a name carved in them.

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