03 → Don't Cry

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"Is that all you're going to do, eat?" Pablo asked his sister as he looked down at her where she's sitting at the bar with a hamburger and fries in front of her

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"Is that all you're going to do, eat?" Pablo asked his sister as he looked down at her where she's sitting at the bar with a hamburger and fries in front of her.

"And pass judgment on others" she signed, a small smile on her face. Joshua snorted into his drink. 

"Unbelievable" Pablo muttered as he made his way to one end of the bar to take an order.

"Do you really pass judgment on people?" Joshua asked Dia.

She shook her head and ate a fry "just you" Joshua gasped and placed a hand on his chest "I'm joking Josie"

"Don't call me Josie. I don't like it!" Joshua groaned.

"Okay Josie" Joshua groaned and turned to get some bottles to make some drinks. Dia smiled and continued to eat her burger.

She's been back home for a week now and she's gone back to her regular time. It's a bit difficult to adjust to the time zone. Your body is used to being awake during certain hours and sleep during others. Since she was on the other side of the world, she was several hours ahead. When the people of New York would be sleeping she would be awake, and when they were awake she would be sleeping. Now she's back to normal and enjoying the nightlife at the bar.

Many people have walked through those doors. Friends, dates, singles, people looking for love or a one night stand. People simply wanting to spend a good time with their friends or others who want to drink their problems away. Tipsy people who get up on stage and sing their lungs out to Cher, those who perform duets and then there's that group of friends that get up on stage and shamelessly sing along to a great song, not bothered that they're butchering it every which way. Once or twice have drunk karaoke singers have ended up on YouTube, and they still go back for more.

Dia felt someone sit next to her and she didn't have to turn her head to know who it was, she recognized him by his voice alone, along with his drink order "scotch on the rocks"

"Is there any other way you take it?" Joshua mumbled as her dropped ice cubes in a glass cup. He poured the brown liquid in and placed a napkin on the bar in front of the man, before placing the cup in the napkin.

"Not really, no" he answered as he reached for his drink. He took a sip and turned to Dia who is on his right "what did you bring me?"

"Hello Dia, how are you? I'm fine thank you for asking" Dia signed, sarcasm evident on her face.

Tony Stark rolled his eyes in annoyance "hello Dia, how are you? You look well, if I might say"

"Thank you Anthony. I'm doing well. How about you?"

"Eh, can't complain" he shrugged.

Dia scoffed "That's all you do"

Tony narrowed his eyes and eyed her but said nothing about it "where's that blue dog of yours?" He asked. Dia pointed a finger at the ceiling, indicating that he's upstairs. Tony looked up and understood.

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