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Edited by Goddamnit_Kyle.


"Stels, don't you think cherry red will look better than maroon?" I ask as she examines different nail polishes. She scrunched up her face in thought before nodding her head with a wide smile.

"Cherry red it is!"

She opened the bottle, applying the smooth polish on my toes as we gossiped about the recent breakup between James Smith and Sara Rodriquez, two students in our rival school. Apparently, Sara cheated on him with Mike Hastings.

Poor boy, he really fell for her.

"Ethan, that's not how you do it!" I scolded when I saw him paint the skin around my nails black.

"Geez, it's my first try, go easy on me." He replied, as he closed the bottle.

"I'll just remove it and apply again. This time, how 'bout you help me instead of gossiping?" I gave him a sheepish smile. My face immediately scrunched up in pain as he rubbed acetone on the skin where I had got papercut.

"Ethan, just follow along with Stels." I told him after he removed all the nail polish from my nails.

He observed her with so much concentration, I actually thought his head would burst or he'd make this into a career. An hour and a lot of gossiping later, my hands and feet were done. Finally, we'd get to my favourite part; Netflix and junk food.

I log into my account on the TV as Stella and Ethan sit on either side of me. After ten minutes of arguing, we settled on Vampire Diaries. Ethan complained at first, but once he saw Nina half naked he kept quiet, happily munching on popcorn.

We have hot guys and he has hot girls, so none of us really complained. We were on our sixth or seventh episode, watching a steamy scene where Damon was just about to finally take his shirt off when someone paused it. Many not so holy words came to mind as my excitement was immediately replaced.

"What the hell?!" I whip my head to Ethan, who has a please-don't-kill-me smile on his face.

"What the absolute fuck, asshole! Why the fuck would you do that?! I'm so fucking close to getting an orga—" I placed my hand over her mouth before she could complete her sentence.

"TMI Stels."

"There's no more popcorn." He whined. "Can you please make some more?"

"What if one of you guys start the show while I'm gone?" I ask accusingly.

"I'll grab the remote and come with you." He said. I nodded happily as Stella groaned in the background.

"But I want to see him strip!"

"So do I Stels!" I say as I walk out of the room, Ethan right behind me. I rummaged around in the shelves, pulling out the last three packs of popcorn. Hopefully it'll last the entire night.

I placed the first pack in the microwave, waiting impatiently for the beep. Finally, after hours of waiting, the microwave beeped. Not even two seconds after I removed it and placed it on the countertop, I heard a shriek. I quickly turned, my eyes widening and my mouth hanging open in shock.

"Ethan!" I rushed towards him, helping him sit on a stool. I gently lifted the bottom of his slightly soaking wet shirt with shaky hands to examine the wound. Blood poured out of a deep cut in his stomach, the cut wasn't that deep, but it was an ugly and a terrific sight to watch.

"Fuck!" He yelped in pain.

"How'd this happen?! Stay still, I'll go get the first aid kit." I muttered, frantically searching for the first aid kit.

"Take your shirt off." I said, taking deep breaths to calm my nerves.

I'm fine. This is fine. It's just a cut.

A huge one.

With blood.

A lot of blood.

"Jesus Christ, Ethan. What happened?! Would you speak up?" Wordlessly, he pointed to the blood-stained knife laying on the edge of the counter.

"How the hell did that get there?" I murmured as I poured antiseptic on a cotton ball, "And what were you doing not using your damn eyes?" I put my hand near his wound,

"This might—"

"—hurt, yeah I know. Please be gentle."

"Oww!" He hissed as I cleaned the wound.

"Sorry." I apologized, pulling the blood-soaked cotton ball away. Pulling out some gauze and medical tape to bandage his cut. "I'm sorry. If it weren't for my paranoid self, you wouldn't have a cut."

"Hey, look at me." He said, placing a finger under my chin. I looked into his dark eyes as they seemed to stare right through me eyes.

"It's not your fault, okay?"


"Besides, I get to hold you close. I didn't know you were kinky, sweetheart."

I slapped his chest lightly as he chuckled. Leave it to him to joke in serious situations.

"You're crazy."

"Only for you babe."

"Tone down the flirting."

"It made you smile, didn't it?" I smile at his words and hug him. It was a slightly awkward hug, seeing as I was on my knees on the floor and he was sitting on the high stool. Despite that, he returned the hug.

The warm hug broke apart when a voice interrupted us.

"What the fuck?!" Of course it was Klaus. Klaus, Blaze, and Dante, they all stood there, looking pissed and slightly uncomfortable.

"Are you really helping him out with his boner?!" Leave it to Dante to assume the worst.

"Wait a second." Blaze sniffed the air, like a curious dog, "Did you make popcorn?"

That comment earned him a slap on the back of his head from both of them.

"Get the fuck away from her!" Dante exclaimed.

"Lock the doors next time." Klaus muttered with an extremely uncomfortably look on his face.

"Calm down! We're not—"

"Why the fuck are you still touching him?" Would you please stop cursing.

"Can you not c—"

"I'm hungry." That earned him another slap.

"Shut the fuck up, Blaze."

"But I'm hungry!"

Oh god, this is gonna be a long night.


I am sorry, if it's not what you all were expecting. I will try to make it up to you, in the next chapter.

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