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Edited by Goddamnit_Kyle


"I'm guessing that you two know each other?" Sarah spoke with a small smile on her face, instantly breaking the tension in the air.

"Oh, don't tell me you're another one of his whores." Paul remarked. I felt heat rush to my cheeks out of embarrassment.

"Um, no." I managed to choke out.

Dante didn't deny anything. He just stood there with a stupid smirk on his face and his hands in his pockets. He wasn't even trying to deny the accusations, as if he actually wanted them to believe that I'm one of his many whores.

"Paul! Stop embarrassing the poor girl!" Sarah smacked the back of Paul's head. He winced, giving me a harsh glare that made me want to dig a hole six feet under and bury myself inside, not coming out for another century.

"Dad, calm down. She's just in few of my classes, nothing else." Dante replied as he sent me a suggestive wink. This did nothing to reassure Paul, who was still looking at me with a judgmental stare. Sarah broke in and gave Paul a glare.

"Oh, don't mind him sweetie, he's just an idiot who doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut. I'm sorry."

"It's fine." I replied, squirming in place.

It was not. It was rude to associate someone you don't even know with one of those horrendous names.

"We'll leave before he decides to make things even more awkward." She says, giving me a sweet smile as she held Paul's hand and dragged him out of the house.

After they left, I didn't know what to do. I thought I was supposed to babysit a child, not a fully grown teenager. I glanced at him, only to find him staring at me. I look away, deciding to stare at the floor instead.

"This is not how you babysit someone." Dante spoke, a hint of mischief in his tone.

When I didn't say anything, he continued. "Are you one of those crazy stalker chicks?"

I frantically shook my head and muttered out a small 'no'. This was getting more and more awkward with each passing second. My nerves were through the roof at this point because placing an introvert with someone like Dante was a huge no-no.

Why was I even assigned to babysit a fully grown guy? Like what even is the need?!

"You don't seem like a girl who volunteers to babysit a guy with hormonal problems."

"Oh I don't, this was a forced decision." I muttered under my breath, hoping he wouldn't hear, but judging from his amused look, he heard every word.

"Plus, I had no idea it would be someone my age because why would someone want someone aged 17 to babysit yet another boy of 17?" Oopsies, spoke my brains out.

"Well, that's one way to put it. How did you even end up here?" He asked as he leaned against the wall, his muscles flexing as he crossed his arms.

"My mom forced me to babysit her friend's son. I didn't know the exact age, so I thought I'd be looking after a cute little boy."

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