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the way your hair catches the light/and how your laugh stays ringing in my ears/oceanic bliss tethered to a flesh sea shell

my palms sting with all of my falls/memories are the paintings of an idle brain, and mine play on a loop/the stutter of a broken record

once i tried to pick you up/kiss your wounds and suckle on the pain/because my hands don't listen to me like the rest of my body/the way my lungs continue to breathe desperately, my heart beats still/the skin of your teeth was cold against my bones/wounded animals; the two of us

you know how my mouth refuses to stay shut/and all the ways you could loosen my quiet noose/how i am clouded by the things I fear the most - of holding out my hands to you (feeling you slip through my fingers)

hamartia boy/with your tangled sleeping limbs/you put my love in a jar and labelled it (what's the point of this?/there is no point to this) - like the songs written as odes to capital cities/a tequila sunrise in my throat (you're burning but i'm counting down the days till i can see you again)

and these scars/they're my only love

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