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the sun silk of our intertwined youth wraps around me in mesmeric tendrils. undo me, it's that simple - kiss me and kill me and then do it all over again. there's gossamer in the bright of your eyes, the kind the old gods would have worshipped 

a coy star-shine lights up in my mouth, the echoes of pretty words i try to say but my thoughts cannot properly formulate. the language of the sky whispers in shades of blues and golds, darting across a gleaming sea in bands of flickering sunlight. you make me wish places could freeze as clocks do, the gentle tandem of saccharine oceanic waves paused and unbroken in brief stitch in time I sewed with every single one of your unraveling loose ends/a patchwork of bleary memories coloured punch drunk pink (the colour of naivety)

seashell houses in ice cream shades of softened reds and yellows encasing an entire universe, a planet of sharp edges softened by personal touches, a testament to the unassuming little things that oft carry the heaviest of weights. the grimy flesh of your fingers wears away at the seam of my lips, renders me loose/the threads of my saliva catching the little tubules of light that dance across early spring-skin, the perfume scented flesh tantalising and heady/a house of the setting sun erupting within my veins, a geyser of blood, love and pain/a violent tangerine splitting open and bleeding the blue sky pinks and reds and purples

the weight of the wind is soft and easy, ample with curves and lush with breeze/embittered only by gaseous sediment and maybe a few tears; the miasmic nectar of a youth lived a long time ago. i was once an elusive-tongued lover/when the world was spinning on its axis and the scars on my palms were temporary and half mooned/loose-lips spewing my brains out onto a blank canvas, a stream of my limited consciousness/black-haired and short-dressed, endless and nameless

I kissed my phone number onto a dirty bathroom wall (just waiting for you to call)

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