Chapter 20

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Third Person POV

Everyone watches this battle, this fierce exchanging of blows. They would probably only see this once in their lifetime. No one else would fight like this and they knew this fight would end in death.

Mate vs Mate

Hate vs Love

Ceasing their individual fights, people can only watch in silence. It is a fight between King and Queen. Making noise would be a disrespect. One shouldn't attract the attention of these four predators. No matter how good you are in fighting, the four of them are in a different league.

One couple fights with swords and each one bleeds when the other gets in a hit. The other fights with claws and magic. One as wolf and the other a witch, they find themselves as foes in this battle of life and death.

Who will win in this fight?

And will the other wish to live when the other dies?





I was losing and I knew it. It was clear that Alec was more skilled with a blade than I was. It was clear, but I cannot surrender. It is apparent that our fight alonside Sabrina's is catching everyone's attention. My people who escape will be safe.

Tuck and roll

Alec gets another cut in. At this point, I am bleeding pretty heavily. I can't shift because my wolf would surrender to our mate. I cannot win, but I will not lose. 

"Surrender!" grunts out my mate as I dodge another of his blows.

Sending back another hit, I reply, "Never!"

A smile overcomes my face for once. If I die today, it is the death I want. It is the death of a warrior. When I was little, all I wanted was to lead the Smith Organization. Now, I would be satisfied in giving it up to someone capable and just being a fight. It's a bit late for me to have these thoughts. 



Shit, that hurt like a bitch! I am heavily bleeding. Alec is avoiding the hits he could make to end my life and instead is trying to give me small cuts to make me surrender. One thing he doesn't know is that I am really fucking prideful. There is no way I will surrender. 


I lead our fight a little away from Sabrina's because if I attack Sabrina's mate she will feel a primal need to protect him as I would Alec. No, it is better to have our own fight each. I finally catch a glimpse at Sabrina and she is in pretty rough shape. First off, her healing is slower than ours and her magic will be wearing off.

Lower cut

I need to help her. I smirk as an idea comes inside. Using my semi-pack bonds with the Smith Organization, I drain the power of those safe. I take it inside me and push it to Sabrina who is only a semi-member. She stops still shocked at this new power. Sabrina catches my eyes and nods her thanks. I don't have time to nod back as Alec comes at me from a new angle.


Spinning around after my failed lunge, I get rather close to the people watching us. It is kind of funny to see them run away and give us more space. Surprisingly, I see the twins Jack and Jason with Axel, Alec's Beta! With the way they are possessively holding him, I think they found their second chance mate

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