Chapter 8

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Everything was ready.

Moira had finished her spell to hide my scent, Laurine organized my interview, Glinda and Leo helped prepare me to see my mate again. I was trying my best not to freak out. I had been accepted as a maid for a trial time. Hopefully, the trial time is all I am going to need to do my job. 

I couldn't bring weapons into the castle because I would get spotted and put under suspicion. That meant I could try to bring some discreet hidden ones, but no guns which is a pity. I am a really good shot. It is a useful skill to have. 

Laurine interrupts my thoughts, "That's everything. Say good-bye and we will send you on your way, Emma. Or should I say Emilia."

I roll my eyes, "Why did you get to pick my cover? I don't like the name Emilia."

She smirked, "I do, so deal with it."

I turn to Max, "Don't you dare tell my family I took this mission. If they ask, I am in Canada."

Max hugs me, "Sure thing, Emma. I won't snitch a second time."

"You better not," I warn him playfully.

Glinda basically knocks me over as she hugs me and whispers in my ear, "Stand strong with your mate. I expect you to come back to me."

I smile, "Of course, I'll come back with your sister too."

I pick up my bags and start heading out of the door, "Bye!"

As soon as I leave the premises, I take a car that I have recently bought using my alias Emilia. We take these undercover jobs seriously. No one can know who I am. Moira's potion makes me look differently to everyone but myself and smell differently. It is a work of genius. Now, I just have to hope that Alec doesn't smell me out. From the rumors coming from the castle, I assume not. But who knows?

My nerves distract me for most of the car ride to the castle. Well, what the werewolves refer to as the castle is literally a castle. The Alpha King bought this huge piece of land from the humans and there is a castle. It has been in their hands for centuries ever since the Alpha King was established. Don't get me wrong, the castle is modern enough. There is even an employee parking lot. That's where I put my car. I want to have one with me in case I ever need to escape that way.

As I get out of the car, my nerves return ten-fold. I am usually not this jittery before a mission. It's the chance of getting caught by my mate which scares me. I am desperate to see him again, but at the same time, I wish to never cross paths with him. I am honestly torn and it feels like one half of my brain is yelling at the other half.

There is a woman here to welcome me at the servant's entrance, "You must be Emilia. I am Jane, the head of the maids. I am going to show you to your room and give you a tour to explain your duties."

I don't even get a chance to answer when Jane is already halfway down the hallway. I speed up to keep up. She is a very no-nonsense type of lady. Jane doesn't even attempt any kind of small talk at all. She is a very cold person.

Jane stops in front of a door, "This is your room. There will be six uniforms inside. You are allowed to do your own laundry once a week and you work six days out of seven. At the beginning of the week, you must come and inform me which day you want off. You can also work every day of the week and keep your free days for an extra vacation."

I try to be polite, "Thank you. Is there anything else I need to know?"

Blatantly ignoring me, she checks her watch, "It is 10 o'clock. I will send a maid here at 11 o'clock to show you around. You will be working with a senior maid during your first week and a half with us. You start really working tomorrow. Now, you have an hour before another maid comes to organize your room. Chop, chop!"

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