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Clover was finally allowed to be discharged after being cleared by a Doctor and Merlin explained to her how Charlie's arm had hacked the Kingsman database and found the addresses of all the agents. He told her about the whiskey bottle from Kentucky and before long they were boarding a flight to the USA. After a well deserved rest and a drive to Kentucky, in which Merlin and Clover belted 'Take Me Home, Country Roads' by John Denver much to Eggsy's chagrin, the remaining Kingsman finally made it to the Statesman distillery.

As the trio seamlessly blended into a tour group, the guide spoke, "Oh! Here's where we leave the casks to age. Unfortunately, we can't go in as it's a temperature-controlled environment. So let's move on to our world class stud farm..." Eggsy nodded to the large door and as the tour group moved on the trio made their way over to the round, wooden door.

Eggsy pushed on a concealed circular compartment of the door that slid to the side, revealing a scanner. He held his watch up to it which whirred and clicked as he did so before he looked between Merlin and Clover, "Biometric security scanner just to protect a few old barrels of whiskey?"

"Talk about overkill," Clover agreed.

Eggsy looked in the direction of the tour guide who was a while away by now and shook his head slightly at her, "Pull the other one, Love."

"Got it," Merlin said. The scanner turned green and the door unlocked, sliding to the left just enough for one person to enter at a time. Eggsy, Clover and Merlin walked in and the door closed behind them.

"Are you getting anything?" Eggsy asked Merlin, his hand on his raised watch as they walked through the rooms. Rack upon racks of barrels filled the room, almost giving it the feel of a maze.

"Not yet." 

"Jesus Christ," Clover muttered to herself, gazing up as the rows of barrels seemed to go on forever. Merlin and Eggsy's eyes followed suit.

Eggsy spoke in amazement, "Fucking hell."

"It's a shame it's not scotch," Merlin replied. "Hang on..." The trio stopped in front of a large barrel as the older man looked at his clipboard screen. "According to this, there's a huge underground structure right beneath us." Eggsy continued walking around the general area. "And if my calculations are correct..." Merlin passed his clipboard to Clover before jogging over to grab the axe by the barrel. "This," He pointed to the barrel, "Is the way in."

Clover raised an eyebrow at him before she heard a quiet creak behind them. She spun around and made eye contact with a man at the other end of the room. He was decked out in denim on top of a white shirt and had cream cowboy hat atop his head. His belt held a flask embossed with the Statesman logo on it and a gun over his shoulder.

"Uh, Merlin? Eggs-" Clover began but was interrupted by the sound of Merlin swinging the axe against the wood. The girl didn't turn to the pair of men, keeping her gaze on the stranger in front of her as whiskey began to pour out the barrel.

Merlin was quick to put his hand over it as Eggsy chastised him, "Fucking hell, Merlin. Shit."

"You know, my mama..." The man drawled in a thick Southern accent as he began walking toward the group, gaining the attention of the other two Kingsman. "She always told me...us Southerners get our good manners from the British. I was thinkin', ain't that a pity. Y'all didn't keep nothing for yourselves." He came to a stop in front of them and Eggsy leant against the barrel as Clover stood her ground. "Y'all ain't never heard of knocking before you enter?" The man asked before spitting to the floor.

Clover's nose scrunched up. The man sent a wink her way and she rolled her eyes before retorting, "We actually had an invitation, Cowboy." Eggsy and Merlin nodded in agreement.

Clover ☓ Eggsy UnwinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora