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Clover, Eggsy and Harry sat in the 'Black Prince,' Clover next to Eggsy whilst Harry sat in front of them. The bartender came over.

"What can I get you three?" He asked.

"I'll have a Guinness, please." Harry ordered.

"I'll have a pint." Eggsy came after.

"Um, do you have juice?" Clover asked, her cheeks tinted pink. The bartender just smiled at her.

"We only have apple..." He trailed off and Clover nodded.

"Apple's just fine, thank you." The bartender left and Clover turned back to Eggsy and Harry. Eggsy had a smirk on his face.

"Juice?" He questioned and Clover's blush deepened.

"Leave me alone." She mumbled, making Eggsy chuckle before he turned his attention to Harry.

"So before you was a tailor, was you in the army? Like an officer?" Eggsy questioned.

"Not quite." Harry answered as the bartender came back over, setting their drinks on the table.

"So where was you posted? Iraq or something?"

"Sorry, Eggsy, classified."

"Again with the super secret spy stuff." Clover mumbled, her lips on the rim of her glass, although neither of them heard to her.

"But my dad saved your life, yeah?" Eggsy asked with a grin.

"The day your father died, I missed something." Harry began and Eggsy and Clover stared at him, hanging onto every word. "And if it weren't for his courage, my mistake would have cost the lives of every man present. So I owe him. Your father was a brave man, a good man. So was yours, Clover. And your mother." Her eyes widened in surprise not expecting Harry to mention her own parents. He turned back to Eggsy. "Having read your files, I think he'd be bitterly disappointed in the choices you've made." Eggsy sat back offended.

"You can't talk to me like that."

"Huge IQ, great performance at primary school..." Eggsy shuffled down in his seat, crossing his arms, "And it all went tits up. Drugs, petty crime, never had a job." Harry listed.

"Oh, you think there's a lot of jobs going 'round here, do ya?" Eggsy defended.

"Doesn't explain why you gave up your hobbies." Harry remarked, "first prize, regional under-10s gymnastics two years in a row. Your coach had you pegged as Olympic team material." Clover wanted to comment on how awesome that was and how Harry had her doing gymnastics a lot when she was younger as well, but she thought it was a fairly sensitive conversation that she shouldn't interrupt or take part in.

"Yeah, well when you grow up around someone like my stepdad, you pick up new hobbies pretty quick."

"Of course," Harry mumbled, "always someone else's fault. Who's to blame for you quitting the Marines? You were halfway through training, doing brilliantly, but you gave up."

"Because my mum went mental." Eggsy's voice loudened suddenly, causing Clover to jump a bit. "Banging on about losing me as well as my dad. Didn't want me being cannon fodder for snobs like you two!" Her brows furrowed in distaste. "Judging people like us from your ivory towers with no thought about why we do what we do. We ain't got much choice. You get me? And if we was born with the same silver spoon up our arses, we'd do just as well as you - if not better."

"What the fuck are you doin' 'ere? You takin' the piss?" A young man shouted at Eggsy as he and a little posse entered the pub. Clover to looked at the boy with a raised eyebrow.

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