A sight for sore eyes

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I got back to the room and collapsed on the couch, kicking off my boots. I thought about all that had happened this evening, but my mind couldn't help thinking about those amber eyes. But I couldn't help being alert and wary about him. Those eyes contained certain darkness that I couldn't help but want to explore but at the same time knew I had to be away from them. I groaned and heaved myself up to my bed, slightly dizzy from the alcohol I had consumed today. I dragged myself into the shower and let the cold water soak me, still thinking about everything that had happened. Eventually, I got out and put on some booty shorts with a cropped hoodie. I threw myself into bed and let sleep overtake my thoughts.

The next morning the alarm woke me up blaring at 5:30. Fitness training was at six. I threw myself out of bed and into the shower. After changing, I got on the leather jackets with a white sleeveless top with black high waisted jeans. I put on black boots with slight heels as well. Then I strapped a dagger under my shirt and a dagger in my boots, you never knew when you would have to defend yourself. Who knew how many weird creeps there were in this school. I walked downstairs to see nearly everybody down there sitting at the table, eating. I groaned and threw myself into a seat. 

"Why...this...early..." Ava whined as she stumbled down the stairs. 

We all laughed at her and then once we had eaten breakfast we walked out the door, down the path and towards the academy. As we were walking I saw that Lilya had a dagger stored in her boot and that Zara had one under her jacket. I winked at them, surprised that none of the other girls had weapons on them. If they did, I couldn't see them. 

We got to the Academy at 5:50 and then spent the next 10 minutes trying to find the "Upper field"  Eventually we found the place where the rest of the people in our year were and one angry looking teacher. We arrived and then stood at the back while he started talking.

"Okay, everybody! Listen up and listen good. Today we're doing 10 laps around the pitch if you can even keep up." And with that, he blew his whistle and we started running.

After 8 laps Ava, Autumn, Zara, Charlie, Kiera and Zara had collapsed, panting, on the floor, along with half the boys. Only Lilya, Athena and I were left running. I wasn't surprised about Lilya, she was a vampire but I was surprised at Athena. She didn't seem the running type. I made a mental note to never underestimate others based off looks. I missed having someone to talk to in my mind, but they had just taken our dragons for 6 months to train them while they grow and to train us to be ready for them. We only found this out yesterday, and that we would only see them after 6 months if we pass our test. If not you can re-do it, or in some cases, you are expelled. So I wouldn't see my dragon for 6 months. I looked back to the track, only us three girls and about half the boys left. The other half was gasping for air on the floor.  Just as we reached the marker for the last lap, Athena pulled out alongside 4 boys. Lilya and I managed to catch up to the last two boys. One was the light brown haired boy who was in my group for the dragon picking, the other one I hadn't seen before, with Auburn and brown streaked hair and bright green eyes. As we caught up we winked at them, smirking.

"So, looks like we have a race here, don't we?"

The Auburn haired boy replied, grinning at us. I noticed that they both had silver bracelets. Shapeshifters.

"You're on," I smirked at him. Lilya and I sped up, using our vampire speed and easily crossed the line ahead of them. We stood there, catching our breath as they crossed the line shortly after us.

"That." The brown-haired boy said, "Was awesome." He finished as he looked at us with respect.

"I'm Elia. This is Lilya." I said, nodding to them. They nodded back but then the other boy who was with us for the dragon picking who had blonde hair and grey eyes and Zane came over.

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