3: Terra

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                Killing those three men wasn’t easy for me, but if I wanted to survive on the streets I needed to understand the ways of criminals and thieves.  And if killing is how they survive, I’ll do anything to keep Jace safe. 

            We finally came to the place I thought no one would find us.  It’s safe and dry for now but I would have to find something better.  The place was a run down, old, abandoned building. 

            “This is where we are going to stay?”  Jace asked looking at the building from the base. 

            “Temporarily,” I said.  “It’s not going to be forever, I promise.”  He shrugged and walked through a hole that is in the side of the building.  I walked in behind him seeing old wood boards and metal beams scatter the room with pieces of concrete littering the floor.  The room’s first floor was dark.  And as you looked farther down into it, the creepier it became. 

            “Come on Jace,” I said adjusting the strap on my shoulder.  “We can go up a few floors.  It may be less creepy up there.”

            Jace and I ended up walking the second to last floor.  The room was huge.  Must have been an office or something.  Rubble of some of the walls is on the floor as well as some papers and metal beams. 

            On the window side there were only beams.  The windows were shattered.  Only the end ones were still intact.  I walked over to the edge and looked down.  I see the pavement far below me and staggered back feeling drowsy.

            Jace tried to walk past me but I stopped him before he could go any farther.  “No, you’re not allowed to go over there.”  I hissed at him. 

            “Why not.”  I said.  “You did.”

            “It’s dangerous, if you go over there and fall you’re going to plummet sixty stories and die, okay.”  My voice sounded demanding.   Nothing at all how I felt.  If Jace ever died because of me I would not hesitate to put a bullet through my skull.

            “Okay,” he said like nothing is wrong. “I won’t go over there.  But can we go to the roof?”

            I stood up straight staring down at my little brother.  “Why do you want to go to the roof?”

            “To fight!”  He said enthusiastically.  “I want to learn to fight, and be strong, and kill like you.”  So that’s how he saw me.  Like me.  Like a killer. Like a criminal.

            “What makes you think I know about fighting?”  I said.

            “You just killed those guys.” He said pointing nowhere.  “And you did it with a knife, and your own hands!”

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