1: Terra

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          My mother died when I was only eight.  My brother Jace was five.  He has memories of her but faint and fading away.  Whenever my dad or I mention her he asks what she was like, but my father just walks away or ignores him.  So I’m the one left trying to explain to him what mom was like.  It’s hard because then I get choked up and can’t think.  I miss her, terribly.  But I just wish she was here because my father has now turned to alcohol for his escape from life.

            Once my mother died my father became an alcoholic and wasn’t stable.  I became the soul protection for my brother.  He yelled terrible things at us, like ‘It’s all your fault your mother is dead’ or ‘You two should have never been born.’  He said more hurtful words but I tried my best to block them out.  The worst was when he and I are alone and he starts beating me.  I have scars, bruises and scrapes all over my body.  I was just thankful Jace was always asleep when that happens.  He didn’t have to suffer the same fate.  Thank god.  I had to quit school to look after him and make sure everything was okay with him.  I couldn’t forgive myself if Jace ever got hurt or died because of our father. 

            Jace was a good student and worked hard at his life.  I’m the one who needed to be strong and brave for my brother’s sake.  Jace hasn’t done anything wrong.  He’s a great kid and I would do anything to keep him safe.  Anything.  I didn’t realize it at first what I was capable of until our last night at the apartment.  When I killed my own father. 


            Our father had too many drinks and was going crazy.  My brother was at the table doing his homework and he looks up to see his father shatter his beer glass on the floor.  I was in the kitchen washing dishes when I heard the loud noise.  He got up and stumbled to a safe in the corner of our little apartment in New York.  Both Jace and I watched in fright and horror at the man.  He opened the safe and my stomach jumped into my throat as I saw him take out a gun.  He put two bullets in it.  I steadily grabbed a knife from the knife holder and walked slowly over towards Jace shielding him with my body. 

            My father loaded the gun and turned to us when he closed it.  His eyes were bloodshot red with drool running down his mouth.  He walked like a zombie towards us.  I waited to see what he would do, but I already knew the answer. 

            “You children have ruined everything of mine.”  He hissed.  “You killed your own mother.  You are both mistakes in this world!  You should’ve been killed a long time ago!  YOU DON’T DESERVE TO LIVE!” 

            He raised the gun and aimed for me first.  I froze for a second before he dropped the gun because he forgot to take the safety off it.  That gave me time to run up and thrush the knife up into his neck.  His eyes became wide with pain and his throat let out a gurgling sound.  I saw my own father’s blood run from his neck wound, down his shirt and on the floor.  I backed up watching him sink to the ground in pain.  No look of sorrow or regret in his eyes.  He just fell face forward and lied on the ground.  Dead. 

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