Ch. 29 - Special Prisoner

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"Luna?" A guard questioned. I opened my eyes to find a tall figure standing in front of me.

"Alpha says your not allowed to be here." He said grabbing my arm turning me to walk back to the front door.

This happened every time I tried to see who the prisoner was. Logan wouldn't let anyone into the medic house unless it was one of his betas, third in commands, or gammas.

"I need to speak with Logan." I pushed out of his grip.

The guard shook his head. "The Alpha is busy."

I crossed my arms. "I speak with him now or he won't have a Luna anymore."

His eyes widened at my statement but I stood my ground. I had a million questions for Logan and he was refusing to speak to me. The guard looked conflicted but left to go to the prisons.

'Looks like someone's getting brave.' Rae remarked.

'Shh. We can't let Logan know that your awake from the wolfsbane so quickly." I said to her.

She smirked. 'Relax. He won't know I'm awake because your not marked by him so he won't be able to feel my presence.'

'Oh right.' I said quietly.

As I waited for Logan I pulled out the red patch from my pocket that I found. I traced the figure with my finger. This patch was the royal symbol on my fathers men's armor.

But how could my fathers men be here? There must've been a mistake because all the wolves were rogues, they all had red eyes.

None of my fathers men had red eyes because they weren't rogues.
So how could they have gotten here? Unless they disguised themselves as rogues.

'We need to talk to the prisoner.' Rae ordered.

'But what if he's not from the kingdom?' I asked.

'Then we kill him.' She said with no feeling.

'Rae!' I warned.

'Fine, if he's not then we just ask him if one of the rogues seemed different.' She explained.

She was right, about the second plan, it wouldn't hurt to try. I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard two heavy footsteps.

I quickly stuffed the patch back in my pocket and saw Logan walking to me with the guard behind him. Logan looked pissed but I could care less...ish.

"Threatening to leave me now huh?" He growled.

I cleared my throat. "If it gets your attention then yes." He nodded at the guard who left through the front door.

"What do you want?" He asked wiping his hands with a towel.

I looked at the fresh blood stains on the towel. Logan had spent day in and day out in the prison never once leaving.

"I want answers. Who attacked us? Why did they attack us? Who's the prisoner and why you must keep hurting him." I demanded.

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