Ch. 7 - Meeting my Mate

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Hi guys!

Sorry for being gone for a little while, my wifi was down at my house but now i have wifi!

Check out and her new book called 'Quotes from the Greatest Mind.' I love all her quotes, they help me get through life cause yah know life is hard haha

She is also my totally amazing Editor for 'The Alpha's Girl' and y'all should totally follow her ;)

Enjoy <3


I groaned lifting my neck up but whimpered and dropping my head down on something hard.

"Ow." I muttered and yelped again when I spoke, "Ow."

My throat felt like it was fire.I couldn't even open my mouth without wincing in pain. I touched my neck, weird nothing felt different about my neck.

I shifted on the bed...wait what? I jerked up to a sitting position freaking out. I scrunched my eyebrows together as I looked around the room.

I found my self in a prison, with brick walls and silver bars covering half the room. I was sitting on a metal bed with a not so comfy pillow and a tattered blanket.

I tossed it to the ground because of its horrific stench. I removed myself from my horrible bed and wobbled up. I rubbed my eyes trying to remember what happened last night.

Let's see, I was with Blossom in the woods by the water stream and then these wolves come out of no where and...

Blossom! I hope she's okay. I gasped running to the cell door but as soon as I touched it I screamed in agony gripping my hand to my chest.

My hand sizzled with smoke with a medium sized burn mark across my fingers. Now how was I going to get out of here?

"Hello?! Hello!? Anyone here!?" I shouted peering through the bars but no one came.

I perked up when I saw a cup of ice water resting on the table just outside of the cell and immediately felt parched in my throat.

I walked to the edge of the cell and took a deep breath, slowly and steadily reaching my hand threw the bars I desperately tried to grab the cup.

I pulled back bending a little lower and reaching till my shoulder almost touched when I managed to get a hold of the cup.

I sighed in relief but as soon as I was about to bring my arm back inside something firm caught a hold of my wrist.

I gasped fear meeting a buff dude with many tattoos growling at me while having a death grip on me. I swallowed and he smirked evilly.

"Stealing are we prisoner?" With that he yanked the cup from my hand throwing it to the floor.

Well there goes my chance for water. But he still wouldn't let my wrist go, his nails digging into my skin. I could feel some sort of aura coming off of him, maybe he was a warrior.

"I--I was just...thirsty." I stammered.

He scoffed, "Thief."

He leaned in closer till I could feel his breath on my face. I'm not a thief but I wouldn't mind stealing a breath mint for him cause reeeeek he needed it.

"How should I punish you? Hmm..." He rubbed his chin while thinking.

I felt myself shaking but suddenly he pulled me right into the silver bars and I cried out in pain. I could feel my skin burning off me while I began to see tears form in my eyes.

The Daughter of the Alpha KingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora