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A/N: Freya Mavor as Callista



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"I'm so sorry, ma'am, you don't have the capability to look after this child."

A tall, slender woman, around the age of thirty, cradled a confused toddler softly in her pale arms. The young child grabbed and prodded at the woman's blinding, bright blue hair, creating a challenge for the woman to keep a serious, professional facial expression as she proceeded to give the painful news to the child's mother.

The young girl lay, cocooned in the Capitol woman's arms, clad in a horribly dirty looking, homemade bundle . The bundle seemed to have been created roughly from a disgusting old dish cloth - which when the Capitol woman first set her eyes on it her face was contorted into one of disgust - although soon enough the look of disgust turned quickly to sympathy as she had registered the marks on the small girls body.

Dried bloodied, the colour of dark red nearly brown, cuts were littered across the damaged girl's body, some infected and others cut so deep if you looked close enough you could see the bone. There were, through the rips of her dirty cloth bundle, fresh and thick red marks. There were matching white scars littered on her small back too, all of them likely to have been made from a whip of sorts. Most likely a belt. Bruises scattered along her legs like paint, green, brown, pink and some dotted with black.

This vibrant blue haired woman was, surprisingly, the child's godmother, thus why she hadn't sent the baby safely off with a rough handling peacekeeper. She wanted to keep the traumatised child safely and comfortably tucked in her arms until she had finished dealing with the mother. Plus, peacekeepers seemingly arent the most delicate of people going against their name of course.

The Capitol woman stepped cautiously, nearly as though she was scared her heels would be dirtied, towards a worn chair. She dusted it off with her free hand, keeping the child gently undisturbed, before slowly sitting on the old fashioned wooden chair, it letting out a high pitched screech as she did. She was seated opposite an older woman around the age of fifty. Yet this woman was the frightened child's mother.

"N-no! Your not going to take her away, r-right?" The Capitol woman felt a small pang of sympathy burst within her when the woman spoke, her voice laced with pain. Though the blue haired woman knew it was fake pain, she still felt a little bad. She curtly nodded, building a wall of strength to not show that sympathy through her eyes.

The mother screamed out dramatically, tears streaming down her dirt stained cheeks as she begged,

"No! Not my Callista!" Callista's mother attempted to sound strong and intimidating, a small hope within her that the Capitol woman might become frightened and give her the child back. Which was a rather unrealistic wish.

The taller Capitol citizen sighed gently, placing the slightly bored child on her opposing hip whilst smiling sympathetically at the older woman,

"I'm truly sorry." The blue haired woman apologised disinterested in the slightly pathetic argument, attempting to get up out of the creaky wooden chair without upsetting the fragile child on her hip but the shouts of the elder woman made her come to a halt. The small girl on her hip jumped, a tear rolling down her cheek as she whimpered, scared of her own mother. Her godmother shushed her gently, wiping the stray tear from her cheek.

"No. She's mine, my daughter. I refuse to let her father use her as another piece in his game's!" This time, the mother sounded strong and determined. Her fists clenched as she stood from her seat, taking a deep breath to console her. The mother was smart, twisting and turning the table. Adverting the blinding stage lights from her to the father. Making it as though he had caused the forever lasting damage on their offspring.

Callista's Godmother was quite shocked at the woman's statement.

The older woman did not deserve a beautiful, smart child like this one, in the eyes of the Capitol at least. Callista's mother had a never ending criminal record, filled with crimes such as treason, arson, burglary, larceny and in this moment in time she was ready, not quite prepared, to commit another crime or perhaps even two. Assault and kidnapping.

And yet, her district still believed crime after crime the father of Callista should be imprisoned and the woman freed of all charges on the crimes she'd committed willingly.

But, that wasn't nor will it ever be the case.

Callista's godmother, now increasingly scared for both her own safety and her already petrified goddaughters, called the peacekeepers loudly.

"Peacekeepers! Do your job for goodness sakes." With a roll of the eyes, Callista's godmother stood from the chair, backing away from the criminal. She swiftly adjusted Callista to a more comfortable position for the both of them.

Callista watched her mother with a frightened look, her eyes tinted with fear before looking up at her godmother, her white glassy blue eyes staring up at the pastel haired woman as she gently relaxed into the safety of her arms. Her body trembled gently in the older woman's arms with soft quick breaths.

Callista's godmother rocked the thin girl, "Hey, Callista , it's okay little one." Callista cried and whimpered into the purple dressy jump suit her godmother was wearing, staining it with salty tears. Her small hands clutched to the soft fabric.

Her godmother carried her out of the rundown house , her heels clicking along the dirt trails as she made her way toward the large trainstation not too far from the home she had left. The citizens of district eleven stared and roared at the bright woman, screaming insults and protests of the blue haired woman taking their newest birth away from their district. They paid no attention to the bruises and cuts on the girls bare legs or the tears trailing down her pink, bruised and dirty cheeks, only adverting their attention to the apparent betrayal of their district.

District eleven was a largely populated area, cuts and scratches very common from their line of work. the dirtied clothes of the young girl were common on many of District elevens children. Callista was one of the only white children in the district though, making her vastly different but so very welcomed as one of their own.

The peacekeepers guarded the pair, creating a path with their sheilds and fighting off any physical discrimination toward them quickly as they made their way onto the large train, leaving the undeserving criminal of a mother with her district as she screamed and kicked to have her baby back at any costs. All the while the drama continued, Callista whimpered quietly and cried softly into the shoulder of her pain stricken godmother. She knew her goddaughter was in pain, but not this excruciating. She hadn't known of her mothers inflict on the child, though if she had known Callista would have been out of there a day old. She looked down toward the weeping infant again.

Yet, the toddler wasn't crying because she could never see her dear mother again, no, she was crying because she was safe.

Safe from her living nightmare.


Start date: 11/07/20
End date: 03/09/20

This book idea, plot and the character 'Callista' is entirely original. It took me hours to plan it and weeks to write it. Its difficult to copy another authors clove x fem!oc book when there aren't any!
If I do find a book with this plot idea (that was written after mine) the author will have some explaining to do.

Its unpleasant when any authors ORIGINAL book idea is stolen.

BUT! The hunger games plot, districts, capitol and everything the author 'Susanne Collins' has written DOES NOT BELONG TO ME. All rights go to her.


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