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The rest of the week went by quickly, Ms Murphy had arranged a meeting to speak with me with some other important teachers. I was sitting in the library with Jude on Friday afternoon, we were sitting on one of the sofas laughing our heads off at a book I had found. Suddenly Penelope came up to us. 

"Hi... uh can I talk to you for a second?" She asks us, we glance up at her slowly. 

"I guess," I reply. She sits down opposite us and takes in a shaky breath. 

"I just wanted to apologise, for making fun of you and stuff... Also, I didn't know that Venus was being coerced by that terrorist group or whatever."  She pauses, "will you forgive me?" 

I stay silent for a second assessing her, was she really sorry for what she did? "Okay." I finally say, "Whatever, you're forgiven... it's in the past." 

Penelope smiles before bidding us goodbye and walking off. 

"That was weird..." Jude mutters from beside me. 

"No shit." 

Jude laughs softly, we both look at each other knowingly. 

"Wait what time is it?" 

Jude looks at his watch, "1:30." 

"Damn it! I gotta go to Ms Murphy's office." I said quickly as I get up. 

"Wait." Jude says as he stands up next to me. He cups my cheek in his hand and presses his lips to mine.  I pull away after a few seconds, "see you." I whisper before running out of the library. 


"Hello Odette, feeling better after last week?" Ms Murphy asks me as I sit in front of her and a few other teachers. 

"Yeah fine thanks."

"Okay, I guess we need to address what's happened since Harry had infiltrated the school." Ms Murphy sighs out. 

"We've already increased security and ensured parents that no one has been hurt. Of course Venus' parents are in a shock. We've explained everything to the Higher Elves and I'm sure the Gods and Goddesses are watching over us. We've been told to keep you safe and to help you control your powers, you're aware of what happened to the other children claimed by Caspian?" 

"Yes I am." I say. 

"Good. Jude told us that Harry and the White Clan was after power, your power especially. They seem to despise the Gods and Goddesses. Frankly, we're all terribly frightened a war is underway." Ms Murphy states, rubbing her eyes. I felt bad for her, she was probably under a lot of stress. I look over to Mr Faye who gives me a warm smile. 

"Don't worry Ms Murphy, I am not power hungry or anything and I would never join the White Clan. If there is a war..." 

"Enough talk about war, we need to address the prophecy." 


"Remember when I called you in to talk about the prophecy?"

That seemed so long ago, "Sorry I've forgotten it." I mutter. 

Ms Murphy puts on her glasses, "Once what's shrouded is revealed, the true leader shall mark an age of pain and the rise of new evil. The countess of darkness must bring forth dawn, and a forbidden relationship will help forbid war." 

Ah, I remembered it now. 

Mr Faye cleared his throat, "we think this prophecy is coming true, the Higher Elves think so too. You might be the key to all of this Odette." He said. 

"Why me?" Is all I can ask, these all seemed like too much. 

"Why not you?" Ms Murphy says sternly. 

"So what am I supposed to do now?" I ask instead. 

"For now, all we can do is wait." 


I couldn't believe it, was I really the 'countess of darkness?' and what the hell was this 'forbidden relationship?' I decided there was no use in trying to figure it all out now, like Ms Murphy said, I have to wait. 

I finished dinner early and headed back up to my dorm, I got changed into my pyjamas and got ready for bed. I then took out my book and opened the window, going to sit outside on the room in my special spot. 

I was reading a book about the history of the Gods and Goddesses, it was extremely interesting. But I almost lost it when someone interrupted me. 

"Hello darling! Long time no see." 

I look up in surprise at none other than the lovely Caspian. 


I hope you liked this chapter! Vote and comment if you enjoyed it! 
Next chapter should be up next week! 

Make sure to follow me on Wattpad and on my instagram at sophs_author 

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