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I needed to find whoever was out to get me, and I needed to find them fast. I think back to what Penelope said in the library, she could have been behind this. I then think about how her and Mr Faye were having a heated argument before class. Were they both in on it together? Caspian did tell me not to trust anyone. 

It was the next day at breakfast, Ms Murphy was told what had happened to me and said she would open up an investigation on it. Although I really doubted that. I shove spoonfuls of cereal into my mouth and scan the cafeteria, my eyes alert. My eyes land on Jude as I watch him talking animatedly to his friends. 

I felt so bad for what I did, but he did not seem like he wanted to be friends with me again.

I sigh and leave my table, trying to get to my next class. I could feel my powers getting a lot stronger, and I was getting better at controlling my energy beams slash blasts. Today Mr Faye said we would work on shadow travelling, I was very eager to learn how to teleport. 

My shoulder suddenly bashes into someone walking past me, "watch it goth whore!" Yells Penelope over her shoulder as her friends burst out laughing. I roll my eyes and ignore them. 

"Okay, are you ready to shadow travel?" My Faye asks me as we walk over to a shadow being cast from one of the bookshelves in the classroom. 

"Yep, I am ready." 

"Okay, try to teleport to that shadow behind that pillar over there." 

I nod my head and move into the shadow, shutting my eyes tight. I feel my body break and dissipate, my breath hitches and when I open my eyes I'm standing on the other side of the room next to the pillar. 

"Amazing..." Mr Faye mumbles, "try to come back." He adds. 

I do the same thing, and before I know it I am next to Mr Faye again. 


I led my hand slide over the books, I needed to read another book to try to keep my mind off other things. I see Jude on opposite me, on the other side of the bookshelf. 

"Jude!" I whisper yell, and his eyes meet mine through the crack. 

"What do you want?" He asks me coldly, wow I had definitely hurt his feelings. 

"I'm sorry okay? I don't know how to deal with this." 

He scoffed, "neither do I but you don't really care do you Odette?" 

"Of course I care! It's just in my nature to act like a bitch most of the time." 

"Great apology so far." Is all he says before leaving me there alone. 

I sigh and run my hands through my hair, until something catches my eye. A dark red book stood on a shelf at the very back of the library, the light seemed to catch the glossy spine. Making it stand out to the other books. I hurriedly walk over to it and pull it out. 

A Dark Elf's Guide To Stealing Powers

Why would they have a book like this in the school's library? I open it up and I'm met with a picture of a purple pendant, as I look over the text of the first page I widen my eyes in surprise. 

"In order to take or steal another elf's powers and abilities, one must have an Orion stone. This book will walk through the process and procedures to use the stone in order to take an elf's power." 

I gaze at the picture intently, and then I realise something

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I gaze at the picture intently, and then I realise something. Turning to the back of the book I take out the receipt telling you who had already borrowed the book. There was only one name: Penelope Kaiser. 


Things are getting intense! What do you think will happen next? Comment your predictions. 

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