6: Rain

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(A/n: This book will have constant time jumps within and between chapters. I hope it's obvious and y'all don't get confused lol)

Two weeks of drought had turned into two days worth of rain.

On the first day, Mara watched from under the awning as the rain puddled on the sides of the streets. Murky rivers of trash, ash and dust collected, traveling down the asphalt. The earthy scent was the new fragrance of the city. The smell of the post-apocalyptic times were temporarily forgotten, and the sound of the rain drowned out the silence.

It was almost melodic — the cold rain pelting against windows, buildings and streets.

There were only so many things left to appreciate of the world, and to Mara, rain was one of them.

Mother Nature shed her tears for the lost world, yet cried tears of joy for the new era.

Mara looked towards the center of the street, where her empty gallons were currently being filled. The funnels on the mouths of the gallons helped feed water into them at a faster rate. Water had reached halfway on each gallon, bringing a smile to Mara's face. After waiting for a couple of weeks for the rain to come, and surviving off a couple of water bottles, the rain had finally come down.

Being frugal had paid off.

On this particular day, before the showers, the streets had been unusually empty. An oddly peaceful day ensued after the sunrise, and thus the previous day, marked by rowdy brutes, had been forgotten.

Because of the heavy rain, it didn't take too long for the gallons to fill up — all three were full in less than fifteen minutes.

When Mara snapped out of her daydream, water had filled to the brim of the funnel, spilling out like tiny fountains. At the sight, Mara was quick to step out from under the awning. The spots of water left on her clothes back when she first set up were joined by larger spots of rain. Mara ducked, throwing the funnels back in her bag and gathering her three gallons — two in one hand and the third on the other. As the rain fell, her hair became stuck to her forehead. Water cascaded down her face, into her eyes and down her neck.

Now soaked, Mara entered into the safety of the building, her sigh echoing in the empty room. She put the gallons down and pushed the barricade back in place until she was satisfied. Mara then picked them up again, momentarily pausing to readjust them, then continued on her journey up the flights of stairs.

Mara left wet footprints of her shoes and puddles where she stopped for long enough. Her hair dripped, the water leaving more trails for the draft to dry up.

The room was darker than before, the natural light of day filtered by the dark clouds that filled the sky. Occasionally, lightning would light up the world all at once and in an instant, while the thunder clasped and rumbled. Mara let out a heavy exhale once she stood inside the office. She placed the jugs down, her hair smacking her face and making her put it back into a ponytail using a stretchy fabric.

She looked up, smiling at Jimin, who simply blinked at her entrance, eyes glancing down at the jugs of water and back up to Mara. The ghost of a smile flashed like the lightning of the showers outside.

"You're back, I see," he said, flinching when thunder crackled and shook the building. Mara chuckled at this, unfazed by the booming noise.

"Yep. Was everything okay up here?"

Jimin rolled his eyes, gazing out the window.

"You were gone for thirty minutes. If anything, you've saved me from boredom by coming back."

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