53: The One You Need

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"Again...I'm incredibly sorry about the damages. I will see it that Hyunjae compensates you for the loss. And I'm sorry we couldn't finish the watchtower either," Sam bowed, about to hop onto his wagon.

"I think you owe someone else an apology, as well," Namjoon deadpanned, turning to Mara. The girl stoically stared at Haneul, the latter avoiding eye contact in discomfort. With an eye swollen shut and her face littered with bruises, she was the subject of stares, not only from Mara. Haneul would have a lot to explain when she got back, and the mere thought of it all coming back to bite her in the ass was very satisfying to Mara. The beaten up girl was quiet, not having spoken a word since the day prior, even when only around Sam. He refused to engage in conversation with his sister, only giving her commands she hesitantly obliged to.

"Oh..uh, right," Sam stammered, side-stepping up to Mara and blocking her view of Haneul, "I honestly didn't think she would cause you so much trouble. I'm terribly sorry about your loss and I hope some day you can forgive us," he gulped, "Goodbye Mara...and every else." He awkwardly rubbed his face and stepped back onto the wagon, "Next time, I'll ask Hyunjae to send someone else. I promise that not everyone at camp is like this."

"I want her to apologize," Mara muttered, pointing to Haneul. Sam glanced at his sister over his shoulder, hesitating.

"Can't I just-"

Mara's eyes snapped to Sam, and he immediately nodded, "Haneul, get over here."

The girl timidly slid off the wagon, weak knees jittery as she made her way over to Mara. Sam gestured for her to say something, crossing his arms over his chest with a frown.

"Go on," Sam urged.

Haneul slowly met Mara's gaze, the darkness in her eyes portraying resentment and what appeared to be hatred. This only further amused Mara. The ghost of a smile played on her lips, and she raised a brow expectantly. Haneul's eye twitched, her breathing growing heavier by the second.

"I'm. Sorry."

Mara's face scrunched up, and she clicked her tongue before humming, "Mm...that doesn't sound like it's coming from the heart."

"Try actually meaning it," Mara mocked, gesturing for Haneul to try again. Haneul's lip curled in disdain, her hands clenched into fists. Mara glanced at them, staring up at her with twinkling eyes.

"I'm sorry..." Haneul inhaled sharply, "For everything."

Mara grinned, "That's more like it. Alright, get out of my face," she shooed Haneul, who glared at her before turning on her heels and slowly walking back to the wagon. She begrudgingly hopped on and stared at the ground. Kai snorted, and Haneul's head snapped in his direction. He played it off as a cough, but was unable to hide the amused smile. Kai and Mara shared a look, both nodding at each other as a goodbye.

"Safe travels," Namjoon dismissed, nodding to Hoseok, who then began to open the gate. Sam, Kai and Haneul silently slipped out of the gate, the horses whining after several days of not freely roaming. Hoseok watched the three disappear into the pine trees, sighing heavily. The sun rose slowly over the horizon, on the backs of the retreating trio. Hoseok climbed down the watchtower and faced everyone, pursing his lips and shrugging,

"Well, I guess back to work then."

Mara chuckled, "I'm sure Evan wouldn't mind helping out."

"No more guests. I've had enough of them for a while," Namjoon groaned, walking a few steps before turning to everyone. He frowned, as nobody moved from where they stood.

"Come on. The watchtower isn't building itself," he ushered, everyone following his lead. Only Mara and one other person was left. He glanced at Mara, a small smirk on his lips.

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