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I push myself off of the seat I was sitting on. That boy that I talked with earlier got separated from me. I was the last one to get off of the bus as I strolled my way to the big school building of hell. My feet dragged unwillingly as I started to shuffle in sync with the other people who were crowded around me.

Walking into the school, I made my way towards the office avoiding any hazards. I'm not very fond of giving people reasons to bully me.

After getting my schedule for my class. I went to my locker to put any unneeded things away.

At this school it was a bit weird. We have two blocks. One day is and A day and the other is B day. I have get used to this. But it seems simple enough. I'm also glad they put me in wind ensemble band.

I'm a really good euphonium player and I guess they got my record and saw all my achievements.

As I walked into my first period class everyone was already seated, like they had been sitting there for awhile, I'm greeted by the guy from the bus stop (Andi) flagging me down. He excitedly waves at me. I think his arm is going to come off if he waves any harder though.

I chuckled to myself.

"I see you already made a friend already. I bet your going to do just fine at this school. I'm Mrs. Cory if you need anything just come talk to me okay?" Mrs. Cory exclaimed smiling happily. "Thank you Mrs. Cory!" I whispered gratefully and walked to find an empty seat and to my luck Andi had an open seat right next to him.

As soon as I sat down Andi's eyes shimmered with excitement and his smile lit up the room with his bright white teeth.

His smile made my stomach all bubbly and I couldn't find it in myself to not smile either. I started getting these little flutters in my stomach which made me nervous for some strange reason.

"Want to come to my place after school?" Andi asked looking hopeful. "Why? We just met each other." I said looking confused but also trying to hide the blush I felt creeping on my face.

He stared at me for a moment then said "You seem like a pretty cool dude and to be honest and I could really use a new friend." I smiled brightly and just sat there puzzled.

I seemed like a cool dude?

Pfft! Yea right. I'm the exact opposite. I'm boring with no sense of humor. What is there to like?

"I'll take that as a yes then!" He chuckled and it sent my ears on ride.

I could listen to that everyday.

I was about object, but then the bell rang, where did all the time go? Didn't I just get here? I forgot I was late because I had trouble finding the room. "See you after school!" He yelled running out the door. I stayed there frozen, not moving an inch. I got up slowly, bag over my shoulder and walked to my next class.

The first 3 periods went by fast and I was sad because I didn't have Andi in any of them. Lunch came around and I wasn't very hungry so all I got from the line was an apple.

Seeing an empty table I decide to sit down at it.

I look around to get a glimpse of the area and see Andi looking at me. He smiles brightly then walked over to the table.

"Hi, how's it going?" He asked sitting down next to me.

I started getting butterflies in the pit of my stomach. My cheeks warmed as he leans in slightly hoping that I wouldn't notice. But I did and I didn't mind at all.

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