Chapter 15: Outrageous Meddlers (2)

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Seeing her grimace, Liu Ya pouted and grinned before blinking a few times in the direction of Second Uncle Sang's house. Sang Wan could not help but pout in response. No wonder! Liu Ya must have exaggerated the incident that had just occurred as she filled Fang Shi in. Hearing how Second Uncle Sang and Second Aunt Li were defeated by them, her heart must be leaping with joy!

She was grinning from ear to ear.

With a casual laugh, Fang Shi said, "Everything's alright now! Sir and Ma'am must be hungry by now, I'll go boil the chicken and fry the fish. The incense sticks are prepared; after burning the incense and greeting Mother-in-law and Father-in-law, we'll have a hearty meal once I'm done."

"Āi, I've troubled Sister-in-law Fang again! Sister-in-law Fang, it's enough to just call me Sang Wan. Being called Ma'am feels strange!" Sang Wan grinned and said, before instructing Liu Ya to go help in the kitchen.

Fang Shi gave a smile and glanced at Liu Ya's attire. Immediately, she waved Liu Ya off. "No need, no need. The kitchen is both dusty and greasy, there's no need to ruin her new clothes! Leave it all to me and Nanny Xu!" Again, she stared at Liu Ya and teased, "Lass, you sure are blessed to be able to wear such clothes! Serve your Ma'am well. If you dare betray your Ma'am, even if it means journeying to the edge of the world, I'll definitely seek you out!"

"Rest assured, Lady Fang! Even if Liu Ya were unruly, Liu Ya wouldn't dare to disobey Lady Fang!" Liu Ya chuckled.

The people around them chuckled along. Fang Shi then continued to tease, "The little lass finally grew a spine and dared to talk back!"

Eyeing her children this time around, she gently chided them, "No fighting! Don't dirty your aunt's clothes!" With that, she hurriedly called for Nanny Xu.

The group immediately placed a partition around the memorial tablet and a small wooden table was placed in front of it. The food was then swiftly set on the table by Fang Shi. The whole chicken, fish, and a large rectangular piece of pork belly were placed on the table before the two rice-filled bowls and two pairs of wooden chopsticks. Following that, the three wine cups and a pot of rice wine were placed carefully atop the table before she withdrew with her two children.

Sang Hong stepped forward and lit the candles. Holding the three sticks of incense in his hands, he gently bowed towards his parents' memorial tablet. Once done, he solemnly notified his parents that his younger sister had been successfully married into the Shi family, about how his brother-in-law was a very nice man who treated his younger sister well, and that father and mother could now be at ease. After doing so, he carefully inserted the three incense sticks into the censer.

Taking a few steps back, he returned to the side and gestured for Sang Wan and Shi Fengju to greet her parents.

Hearing the words her older brother spoke, Sang Wan was speechless and swiftly glanced at Shi Fengju. From where did her older brother get the idea that he treated her well?

After the greeting was done and the wine cups had been filled, Sang Hong called for Fang Shi to clear away the food. The two siblings then burned paper money in the brazier in front of the memorial tablet and sprinkled a few drops of wine into it. Shi Fengju then burned a little more paper money before the ceremony concluded.

"Sang Wan, Fengju, let us go pay a visit to Second Uncle Sang's house and have them come over for lunch later on. After that, the two of you may return. The journey from here to Qingzhou isn't short; it'll be good to leave early." Sang Hong spoke as he left the partitioned area.

Sang Wan nodded and smiled. "Then please excuse me for a moment. I'll go prepare a few things first!" She couldn't possibly go to her second uncle's house empty-handed, could she?

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