I woke up in my school after hours and discovered that my teachers were cannibal

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I don’t mean to be stereotypical but I’m what most people would refer to as, a stoner. Now, don’t take that as me admitting to doing meth and all that other crazy shit, but if I was high and someone offered me some, I’d probably go for it. Luckily that’s never happened. I’m only a junior in high school so I don’t want my entire life going down the shitter right before my eyes, so I usually just stick to the safe stuff, like weed. I think anyone who has ever smoked weed can agree that getting high is the best feeling in the world, and that’s why I keep doing it.

Whatever, I’m getting off track, but trust me, it does come into play later. This story started on Friday of last week. It’s Sunday when I’m writing this and I’m still not sure if everything I saw was a dream or not. The day started off pretty normal. I got out of bed, got dressed in my usual attire; t-shirt, basketball shorts and a backwards baseball cap, and headed downstairs to get some breakfast. My dad was packing up is things into his briefcase as I was walking into the kitchen.

“Hey, Dylan. Your mom and I are gonna be out a little late tonight. Anniversary, remember? Anyways, just make sure you get home on time so you can watch your sister while we’re gone. Got it?” He said quickly as he began to walk towards the door.

I had completely forgotten about their anniversary and I hated whenever I had to watch my sister alone. Don’t get me wrong, I love my sister just as much as anyone should, but I was horrible at taking care of her alone, especially after a long day of school.

I hid my annoyance though and responded quickly. “Yeah, sure. Have fun I guess.” I said. Dad smiled and walked out the door.

“Don’t forget!” He yelled as the door closed behind him. My mom was already on her way to school with my sister so I was the only person left in the house. I checked the clock and saw that it was already 7:50. I grabbed a donut from the package on the counter and headed out the door, taking my backpack on the way out. I climbed into my car and headed out onto the road. I got there just in time for classes to start at 8:20. I parked my car in the large lot and jogged into the building. There were still quite a few students roaming around so I assumed I still had some time before I had to head to class. I walked past the front desk and up the stairs in the direction of my locker. Before I could take a step I felt a cold, hard hand on my shoulder. I turned around quickly and saw my friend Max smiling at me. His shaggy blond hair partially covered his eyes and I never understood how he could see. He was wearing a Hawaiian shirt with a blue t-shirt underneath and some khaki shorts. His style is interesting, to say the least.

“What’s up man?” He said quietly, slurring his words a little.

“Hey Max.” I responded as I walked towards the stairs to the second floor.

“Dude you’re not going to believe what I got last night.” Max said excitedly as he ran up the stairs as fast as he could. I tried my best to keep up with him.

“What is it?” I responded intrigued.

He smiled wider. “Oh I don’t think you’re ready dude.” We began walking down the hallway that my locker was in, zigzagging through students the whole time.

“Cut the bullshit Max, what is it?” I said smiling.

“Ok…but don’t tell anyone about it.” He stopped walking for a second, looked around and unzipped his backpack. I looked inside and saw three glass bongs sitting comfortably inside the backpack. He zipped his backpack back up and kept walking. I ran up to catch him.

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