I was dead for 6 minutes and saw heaven. I'd rather go to hell part 2

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"Now," Daniel continued, "let's get inside before another one comes down to check on us."

Daniel started walking towards the wall before I could muster any kind of response to his words. If the angels were guards...

What the hell were they guarding?


The alabaster white wall was just about in front of us. Daniel showed no signs of stopping as he continued walking towards what looked like a solid marble pillar six feet across.

"How are we supposed to get past--" My question was interrupted as the base of the unimaginably large pillar silently lifted itself up just enough for the both of us to pass under it. Daniel didn't stop and walked through the newly created space like he had done it a thousand times.

"That pillar has to weigh as much as a skyscraper. How did it lift up with no sound?" I asked my guide.

"It's a bit pointless to ask how anything is done here. The only thing you'll get is speculations from the other people here or 'Because it is willed' from the winged peanut gallery. Now try not to look too amazed." He said as an answer.

"I don't know--" My sentence was cut off for the second time in as many minutes as we stepped from under the raised pillar onto a shining Silver City.

I'm not prone to exaggerations so I hope you take this with all of the accurateness I can muster. It was an entire city made of silver. Tall pointed spires that gleamed brighter than any Las Vegas light show stretched out of sight and into the infinite heavens that were somehow clear of any obstruction and impossible to see.

There were a number of smaller buildings as well. Single story square buildings that sat in the shadows of the impossibly tall spires but still shone with the everpresent light that permeated every part of this place. Two and three story perfectly round buildings were placed in the open spaces between the spires. These round buildings glowed with a blue hue that seemed to be the only color in this place besides Daniel's dark purple hair. Seeing a color outside of the pure light made me think of something.

"Daniel, where is everyone?"

He pointed towards the base of one of the tall spires, "If you're unlucky enough to be stuck in the first Heaven then one of the shiny ones take you into a spire."

I took another look at the spire and saw a small opening at the bottom. I wouldn't have been able to see it if Daniel hadn't literally pointed at it. The opening was seamless, showing no signs of machining or molding for it at all. It was almost like the entire spire had been melted into a single mold and cast as one solid piece.

Daniel continued, "You're one of the lucky ones though and get good old me instead. Welcome to the Silver City."

He held out his hands in a mock greeting. Whatever else I had to say about Daniel he seemed to be able to exude sarcasm without uttering a single word.

"You didn't answer my question."

"That's because I was avoiding it."

I stared at him. He could probably see my annoyance because he sighed and continued, "Despite how this place looks it's pretty much empty. Anyone still around is either in the Second or Third Heaven."

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