Chapter 9

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Autumn (Elizabeth and Wayne's daugther)

Ebony's POV

*In dream mode*

"Ebony . Ebony." A unknown British voice said.

I opened my eyes to see a lady, she looked like she was around my age.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Elizabeth ." she said.

"Autumn's mom?" I asked.

"Yes." She said.

"I thought you were dead?" I said.

"I am. I want you to tell Autumn I love her and please take care of her as if she's your own, I don't want my daughter being around females that don't know how to raise children." She said

I nodded my head. "That's all you want to tell me?" I asked.

"Of course not. Also tell Wayne I will always love him and that Lamar was the cause for this." She said.

"Lamar? Who's Lamar?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it and make sure to take good care of the children." She said.

"Children? What do you mean by children?'" I asked.

"Its time for me to go bye." She said before disappearing.

*End of dream*

I woke to feel some liquid going down my leg. I pulled the sheets off of me seeing that I was bleeding from in between my legs. I woke up Wayne.

"What is it ma don't you kn-." He said until he turned to see me bleeding.

I tried getting up but my leg were too weak and to fell down and passed out.

Few hours

I woke up in a hospital room. I tried to get up but it don't work but then I noticed Wayne sitting there on his phone then he looked up.

"Aye y'all she's up!" He yelled.

Ava,Vince, Autumn, Drew, Mama Avery and William (A/n: Mama Avery and William aka big man is Wayne's parents) walked in.

"Daddy, pretty lady is awake!" Autumn said in her little voice.

"Yea pretty lady woke up." Wayne said.

" I thought I lost you wifey!" Ava shouted . Her ass is so damn loud.

"How many times I gotta tell yo loud self she ain't yo damn wifey ." Wayne said.

"Niggas these days always mad but that ain't none of my business." Ava said making us laugh while Wayne mugged her.

Everybody finally left leaving Wayne, Autumn and I by ourselves . Then the doctor walked in.

"Well its nice to see you awake Mrs.Neverson." the doctor said. I looked at Wayne with a 'nigga are you serious' look. He smirked at how I gave him that look.

"Anyways I'm Dr. Lewis. Did you know you were pregnant?" She said.

I shook my head no. What did she mean by 'were'?

"Well you were 3 weeks pregnant and also had a miscarriage." She said.

The words that came out her mouth were like knifes stabbing me all over my body. I always saw movies where when a girl gets pregnant and she usually has weird cravings ,goes through emotional changes, gains weight and vomits a lot.

"How come I never had any of symptoms ?" I asked.

"Well sometimes not many woman don't get the symptoms ." she said. Then a dark skinned nurse walked in.

"Dr. Lewis there's a woman ready to go into labor." She said .

"Alright. Mrs. Neverson is there any questions or concerns?" She said. I shook my head. They left the room.

I looked to see Autumn playing on Wayne's IPad . I stared at her for a while. She's a beautiful creation made by Elizabeth and Wayne. I could be pregnant by know with my own creation too. All I could do at this moment was cry.

"Why are you crying?" Wayne asked.

"Wayne I just killed our b-baby ." I said crying more.

"No you did-." He said before I cut him off .

"Yes I did . Its all my fault, I nothing but a mistake in this world." I said.

"No don't ever say that you're not a mistake." He said wiping my tears.

"Yes I a-." I said until he cut me off.

"You just like her." He said .

"Just like who?" I said confused.

"Elizabeth." He said.

"How?" I asked.

"Cause she was a weeks pregnant when Autty was 1 and she had a miscarriage and she kept blaming herself." He said.

"What did she do to stop blaming herself?" I asked.

"She counted her blessings. I want you to do the same too ma." He said.

I started counting.




4. Autumn

5.Vince and Ava

6. Mama Avery and big man

7. Even though I didn't know her Elizabeth because she was a beautiful and amazing person.

"You done?" He asked.

"Yea and I'll stop blaming myself." I said.

He smile and kissed my forehead.

"Ms.Ebony are you Ok?" Autumn asked.

"Yea baby and I have a message from a very special person. She also said she loves you so much and she wants you to be a very good girl." I said.

"Tell her I said I love her too and I'll be a very good girl." She said kissing my cheek.

"And she also wants me to tell you that she will always love you Wayne ." I said.

"Thanks ma." He said.

I didn't really want to tell him about the Lamar part because I didn't want to ruin the moment.

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