Chapter Twenty Nine

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Hayden's plan seemed too simple to work. But I decided to give it a shot. I didn't mention the kiss. In Government, I acted like everything was cool. When Sin flirted with me, I flirted back.

After school he walked me to my car and kissed me again, this time in front of the entire school. I couldn't help but feel like he was staking some kind of claim. Still, I didn't question his motives.

One, because I was simply enjoying having a normal relationship with Sin instead of our normal on again off again thing. And two, because I was being chill, I was being effortless. I was listening to Hayden.

'So, you're really with Sin?'

'Really Rory, I thought you were better than that'

'Rory, can we talk?'

'I messed up'

I read through the texts that Ian had sent me throughout the day while parked in my driveway. I actually felt bad. Obviously Ian had more emotions invested in our brief relationship than I did and I didn't like that I was hurting him. I debated texting him back but decided that would just send mixed signals.

When my phone rang, I quickly answered recognizing Kody's number.

"Brother." I said in a casual greeting.

"Sister." He replied. "How's it going? You still sneaking out?"

I smirked. "Not in the slightest. What do you want Kody, I know you're not calling to question my moves."

He sighed. "Actually, It's about the prom queen."

I narrowed my eyes. "What about Grace?"

He waited a beat. "I feel like you should speak to her, since you're a girl and she's a girl so you guys have that girl bond-"

"Spit it out Kody." I interrupted.

He sighed again, seeming embarrassed. "Okay, well one of my friends said he saw her with one of his guys at that party. You know...intimately."

I widened my eyes. "Grace was having sex with a college guy?!"

"No, Jesus. She was making out with him. Is that what intimately means to you? Jeez Rors, I need to come back home."

I rolled my eyes. "That's what intimately means to everyone. But back to the important part of this conversation. Grace was making out with a college guy?" I couldn't picture it. Grace was such a sweet innocent girl and I knew she was stuck on Aiden. But she had been acting weird lately.

"Yeah, and a sleazy guy at that. Look, it's not my right to barge into her life, but she's like a sister to me. I'll make sure this creep leaves her alone but I need you to talk to her. According to my friend the guy wasn't exactly forcing her."

I sighed. "Yeah, alright I'll talk to her. Tomorrow at school, she never comes to the door when I go to her house."

"Alright, and don't tell Aiden. You know how he gets."

I nodded my head. "Mom must have been drinking liquid testosterone when she was carrying you guys, but don't worry. I'll take care of things on my end. You just make sure that creep leaves her alone.

"Got it. And you be careful Rors, I don't want to have to make any surprise visits."I hung up.


I rung Sin's doorbell at midnight. I was sick and tired of playing games with him. It was too much rules to keep up with.

I had decided to just go with the simple option.

When he answered the door he looked over my outfit and probably incorrectly assumed I wasn't there to seduce him.

"Leg's, do you know what time it is?"

I rolled my eyes walking into the foyer. The plan was to lay out all of my feelings and see how he felt. The only way to do that was to ask. Bluntly.

However, looking at Sin in his wife beater and Adidas track pants I felt nothing but nerves.

When I began to pace back and forth, Sin grabbed my arm stopping me in my tracks. "Spit it out Legs."

I looked into his eyes. "Where's your room?" I asked.

He sighed. "Really, Legs. Are we back on this?"

I put a hand up. "I actually wnt to talk to you. I don't want to wake your mother up."

He considered, before leading me up the stairs to a room on the left. When he opened the door, I took in all the details of his room.

Most of the room was taken up by the humongous four poster bed. It was dark wood with a black duvet. There was no posters on the walls, instead there were shelves filled with books. A large tv sat opposite the bed on the wall. Friends was playing on Netflix.

"Cute." I commented taking a seat in his desk chair.

He sat on the edge of his bed. "What did you want to talk about Rory?"

I took a deep breath. I was about to put all of my cards on the table."Sin, I don't want to play these games with you anymore."

He simply stared at me. "What games?"

I groaned. "You know what I'm talking about Sin. This game that we have going on, teasing each other trying to see who'll crack first. All of this meaningless flirting. I don't want to do it anymore. I have-"

"Rory." Sin interrupted me. I was on a rampage now, and it was a good thing he stopped me because I was going to reveal more than I actually wanted. "I'm not playing games." He finished.

I didn't say anything. Instead I tried to calm myself down.

"Rory, there's reasons why I don't want to have sex with you right now." He stood up. He was the one who was pacing now. "There's things you don't know and if you did..."

"So tell me." I stood up now grabbing his shirt. "Because this thing that we're doing isn't working." I doubted there was anything he could say to make me leave him alone.

He ran his hands through his hair. "I can't right now. You just have to trust me."

And of course I did. "Then I don't care Sin. I trust you."

He shot me a look. "You're going to fucking care Rory. You're going to fucking hate me."

I pursed my lips. "I doubt it."

He put his face in his hands, so that when he spoke his voice was muffled. "I know your brother. Fuck...Rory, your brother wanted me to watch out for you while he was gone. To make sure you didn't get in any trouble."

My heart dropped.

Sin might have been right.


Guyyyyysssss. This book is coming to an end. But yeah I decided to not put a snippet up of the next book Kody's story. 

FF: Hayden was originally gonna be a fake bitch but I fell in love with her.

QOTD: Cardi or Nicki?

AOTD: I love both.

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