Chapter Seven

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Getting drunk was like getting pregnant. It felt good while you were doing it even though you knew the consequences would screw up your whole life. That's what I was doing.

Getting drunk, not pregnant.

My hips swayed along to the beat of a song that sounded familiar but I couldn't recognize it. I didn't care. I was floating. The guy who was currently wrapping his big hands around my hips was not Ian.

To be honest, I actually had no idea where Ian was. I had left him at the beer pong table to get another drink and when I came back he was nowhere to be found.

The guy I was dancing with tightened his hands on my waist and brought my face closer to his. "They have rooms upstairs." he said in a slurred shout.

I tilted my head back so that I wouldn't smell his vodka soaked breath. All of a sudden I was dizzy. When I started to fall he pulled me up. "Do you want to go or not?" he asked impatiently.

I simply shook my head. I knew what went on in those rooms and even in my current inebriated state I knew I didn't want to do that with him.

"Fine." he said curtly quickly letting me go causing me to stumble back and bump into a random girl.

"Wait." I squealed trying to follow him as he parted his way through the crowd. He was really good looking and I was having a good time dancing with him. Plus, I didn't know where Ian was and I didn't want to be alone.

He turned around, stopping quickly causing me to bump into him.

"I don't want to dance all night. I'm bored, if you don't want to go upstairs with me then just fuck off." He looked mean now, and he smelled like a hobo, I should have been afraid.

But I remembered how he'd smiled at me when I had bumped into him and how he laughed at my lame dance moves. I remembered I didn't want to be alone. "I don't want to have sex with you." I said as clearly as my jumbled mind could.

"Who said anything about sex." His smile was back and he reached over and cupped the back of my neck. "I just want some privacy so we could talk, have a bit of fun."

It sounded like a line, but alcohol was messing up my emotions. "Have a bit of fun?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

He pulled me against him, covering my mouth with his and sliding his tongue over my lips.

I'd been kissed before, in the eighth grade by Hayden's cousin. It had been her birthday and she'd invited me to her family dinner. When we were all alone, Simon just couldn't help himself and he'd planted one on me.

This was nothing like that.

Ths was dirty and sloppy and messy. As I opened my mouth, allowing his tongue to slip inside I tasted vodka and cigarettes. I wanted to puke.

I quickly placed my hand on his shoulder pushing him back slowly. He didn't miss a beat. "Have a bit of fun. Come on." Without waiting for me to agree he began dragging me up the stairs. He led me into a room with a bed pushed into a corner and a small sofa thrown against the wall. My hands began sweating as he led us towards the bed.

"I don't-"

I was cut off by his mouth smashing against mine. Once again his tongue was invading my mouth and I was trying to keep up. He backed me up until my legs hit the bed and I fell backwards onto it. He laid on top of me gently placing his tongue on my neck. Immediately I began to feel hot. While the kiss had been sloppy and rushed, his tongue on my neck was done expertly and shut off my nerves quickly.

I was lost in bliss until I felt him began to unbuckle my pants.

"No." I said simply reaching down and cupping his hand.

"Come on, it's not sex." He whined pushing my hand out the way and snatching my zipper down.

My mind immediately cleared as I quickly sat up. "No." I said more firmly sitting up in the bed and successfully detaching myself from him.

"What the fuck?!" he growled slapping the bed with his fist. "Are you some type of tease or something?"

I felt my face getting hot as I scooted off of the edge of the bed. "I'm going to go." I whispered attempting to button my jeans back up but my eyes wouldn't focus enough to complete the task.

"Shit." He says again, collapsing onto the bed. "Bitches these day." He mumbled closing his eyes.

I took my chance to escape and quickly pulled the door open nearly running into the person on the other side of it.

"You have got to be kidding me."

I quickly looked up and connected eyes with Sin Westbrook.

"Hey." I mumbled attempting to move around him. He grabbed my arm stopping me in my tracks

"What the hell are you doing?" He growled pulling me down the stairs.

"What?" I asked. I was pretty sure it wasn't just my drunken state causing me to be confused. I didn't know what Sin was talking about.

"You have no business being here." He let his hard glare linger for a minute before continuing on his path. "I'll take you home." He sighed.

I stared at him, trying to get my mind to clear. He wasn't dressed for a party. He was wearing grey sweatpants and a white shirt. Still it managed to work for him.

"What are you doing here?" I slurred as he led me towards the front door.

"Hat are you doing here?" He shot back sending me a disapproving look. "Since when do you party?"

I shrugged my shoulders with a giggle. "I have to say bye to-"

"That's not important." He pulled open the door exposing me to the cold night air.

"My jacket..." I mumbled looking around half expecting to find my leather jacket lying along the ground.

"You should have thought of the weather before coming to a party dressed like that." Sin briefly replied. He was only in a thin short sleeved shirt and the wind didn't seem to be bothering him.

"Get in." He ordered snatching the door to his car open.

I sighed, deciding that getting a ride home from Sin wouldn't be the worst thing imaginable. I definitely didn't want to stay at the party and I was way too drunk to be bothered by his awkward silence.

Before I could even buckle my seatbelt- an action that was significantly more difficult to do while inebriated- Sin was getting in the car and pulling off.

"What's going on with you lately?" He growled, speeding through the empty streets and making my head spin.

"Just having a little fun Sin." I said nonchalantly. "You should try it sometime."

I don't know what made me say that last part.

He didn't seem to keen on taking my advice. "Since when are you some party chick?"

I wasn't too drunk to roll my eyes aggressively. He sounded so much like Kody that it made me sick. "I'm allowed to party if I want to." i argued flipping my hair over my shoulders.

He stared at me for what seemed like minutes but was in reality probably five seconds. "It's true what they say then huh?"

Normally I would have screamed and told him to keep his eyes on the road, but his light blue eyes were looking at me so intently that I couldn't say a thing.

He held my gaze for a moment before smirking and turning back to the road. "Good girls really don't exist."

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