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The drive going back to the company seemed longer than what it ought to be. Taehyung felt so stuffy from the tension that he could almost taste from the person sitting in the back seat.

The CEO's son was so quiet, making Taehyung uncomfortable. He thought about turning on the radio for awhile now, but everytime he tried to reach for it, he's instantly halted by doubts.

What if he doesn't like music? I don't want to be snarled at again.

Taehyung brushed off the idea and just focused on the road. Five more minutes and they'll arrive soon.

From time to time, Taehyung glanced at the rear view mirror to check on Jungkook. He had been stealing glances at the handsome man, who's busy reading articles from his tablet.

Taehyung smiled at the way Jungkook's brows knotted on his forehead, and his eyes squinted in annoyance everytime he read something unpleasant.

Taehyung was too fascinated looking at Jungkook that he almost bumped the car in front of them, had he not stomped on the brakes.

Jungkook cursed at the sudden halt. His tablet dropped from his hand.

"What the fuck!"

He shouted, making Taehyung flinch.

"I-I'm sorry Sir..." Taehyung apologized before driving again. He focused on the road, but he could still feel the seething anger coming from Jungkook.

"Idiot." Jungkook half-whispered to make sure Taehyung heard it.

The poor boy bit his lips in embarrassment. He didn't know why but his sassiness seemed to be hiding somewhere now. He felt so small, like a stupid sheep who encountered a lion.

After another awkward silence, they finally arrived at the company. Taehyung quickly got out of the car, as well as Jungkook.

Once outside, Jungkook turned his attention to Taehyung who's now bowing his head. He's afraid to look at him in the eye.

Taehyung stiffened, as his back was pressed on the car. Jungkook was now leaning on to him. His breath was hot near his ear.

The little lamb gulped and his eyes opened wide as saucers when he felt Jungkook's lips touch his right ear. Shiver ran through his spine at the soft touch.

"Do your job right next time that is... if there will be a next time."

Jungkook turned around and walked away, leaving a shocked Taehyung.

That is clearly a threat.

Taehyung sighed. First meeting and he already got the hate from Jungkook. What more if he started hearing rumors about him?

I may be dead by then.

Taehyung dragged his feet back inside the office. He still had a lot of things to do, and fantasizing over the CEO's son was obviously not one of them.

He rushed inside the elevator and almost went out again, seeing Jungkook inside. He cleared his throat before pressing the floor to the CEO's office.

And they were silent again.

I shouldn't have taken the elevator. Taking the stairs is better than this suffocating silence.

Taehyung prayed for the elevator to reach the top floor, and once it did, he rushed out without saying a word.

He half-ran half-walked to his cubicle. He opened his computer and pretended to be busy when Jungkook walked past him and entered the CEO's office.

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