It's a one player game

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I jump at the sound of my name, I honestly wasn't expecting someone but Christine to call my name. It was a familiar voice, but it wasn't Christine.

I turn in surprise, and see Michael. I see him beam, 'Ohgod, Jeremy!' He ran over 'I'm so glad to see you!' He looks at his hoodie, 'Oh wow, you wore my hoodie!' He grinned holding my arm. 'It looks so good on you!'

His hand just had to clutch the part of my arm that I . . . Decorated.

I hiss in pain and retreat my arm, I hold it and look at him 'R-Really?' I stammer 'T-Then why have y-you been avoiding me a-all day?' Michael blinked and looked at me in confusion. 'What are you talking about? I haven't seen you since . . .' He glared to his side 'Reactivate.'

I look in confusion, as he starts talking to the air. A thing he has been doing a lot lately, maybe it was his SQUIP or something? 'Why haven't I seen Jeremy all day, nearly everyone I have talked to has mentioned him but I've never seen him until now . . . Wait,' He paused 'what?'

'Michael?' I hesitated to step forward, but I did anyway. I clutched my hands together nervously, a thing he picked up on quickly. He looked at me, knowing I was nervous 'W-Why are you talking to the a-air? I-Is it The SQUIP?'

He blinks twice, and looks back to me and then the air nervously. I sigh, he can't find an answer. 'J-Just forget that question, d-don't answer it.' I grab his hands and hold them, brushing my thumbs to calm him. 'Just . . . C-come on, we should t-test it out! We should celebrate!' I beam, and hope that Michaels SQUIP likes to celebrate.

I jump, getting a better idea and beam 'No- we gotta- G-GET STONED IN YOUR BASEMENT!' I hold his hands near my chest.

He blinked and stares, blushing. He is nervous, anxious and tense. I smile
lightly, calming down a bit and hoping he would calm down. He looked at my lips and blushed more, 'U-um . .' He looked the side and bit his lip. He gulped, and looked to the side.

He stood speechless for a long time, my grip on his hands tightened 'Michael . . .?' I put a hand on his cheek and cupped his face with it. 'Are y-you coming?' I grinned softly with hope. Honestly, If Christine didn't joke her way through my crying walls Michael would've been the only thing I genuinely smiled too.

Michael beamed, putting his hand on mine and held it 'Of course,' he grinned 'Jerem—' Michael experienced a jolt, and jumped back 'OOWWW!'

I squeak and jump back 'M-Michael?' I jump forward, and clutch his arm. Michael looks around frantically, 'Joe what the fuck did you do?' He looked around, 'Where is he? Where did he go.'

No. I feel tears fall down my face, and I clutch his arm harder. Not again.

'Michael please, I'm right here-e!' I squeak, crying. Michael looks anxiously to his sides, and starts crying himself 'But I do need him. . .' He experienced a jolt.

He started walking away, but stopped he looked around with tears in his eyes. As though he was hoping to see me, or watch me run to him or just something. When he didn't see me, somehow, he whispers 'J-Jeremy I'm so sorry-y.' And experienced a jolt, before continuing to walk down the hall sadly.

I stood there in shock. I felt even more hot tears roll down my face, as I ran to the bathroom to cry and decorate my arms.

Sadly, to make the chapter longer, I'm going to describe how Jeremy 'decorates' himself. So trigger warning: Angst (Even though I dislike reading angst myself '-') and self harm.

If reader does not want to read, then please, by all means go ahead!

Go whip
And nae nae,,,
Away from this bit of the chapter.

I run into a stall and slammed it, doing whatever I could to make sure it was locked. My fingers trembled and fiddled, making it more frustrating and longer. But eventually, I locked it. I fall to my knees and cry.

To me, self harm is a common way for me to take my frustrations out on myself instead of other people, and affects me more than you think. Lucky me.

Self harm isn't that big of a deal to me, it's most likely that one of the popular kids have cut themselves before. Hell, at least two young people in every class has at least self harmed at one point, or are continuing. At least I know I'm not the only one doing it, I'm not alone when it comes to self harm.

I just need to remember it's not a big deal. It's just me decorating my arms, it's not a suicide attempt unless I want it to be, and it's not a cry for attention. No one would care about me anyone, so far the only person who told me to stop was a suicidal teenager himself. And now, he's upgraded without me.

Fun fact: 'He's upgraded, without me' was the original title of this chapter owo

It's a way I cope with overwhelming thoughts, and distressing thoughts. That play over and over in my head, like what a vintage cassette does.

I go through the cycle without detail. Emotionally struggle, then have an emotional overload, panic. And then decorate.

I'm hugging my knees, and my thoughts are taunting me. Laughing at how pathetic I am.

He already knew what it was like to be a loser, leave him alone, let him find out what it's like to not be a loser.

Now, for you, it's a one player game

cough musicalsandweeds420 cough

There's no
f r i e n d
by my side, anymore.
I gotta be careful, 'cause
now I have to watch my own back
Now he's left his
b r o t h e r
It's lame.
He's left me in an effed-up world.
Now it's a one player game.

Each word, cut. Each word, cut. I decorate old decorations with new ones, the party doesn't look pretty though. It's got too many red balloons but no ones trying to stop me from putting all these red balloons up. It's a pity party, and I'm the only guest.

I cry, clutching the hoodie.

Look at him go, he's cooler than a vintage cassette. Why aren't you happy for him?
He's forgotten about me, I bet.
I'm still alone in this high school scheme.
You miss the old days when you two were a team?
Why are you being so selfish? You should be happy for him.

I start shaking. More red balloons, awesome party.

We liked out-of-print games
Retro skates
We got Pac-Man tattoos.

I make sure not to decorate over the Pac-Man tattoo. That's a present I'm keeping forever.

Everyone here appreciates,
but they're only interested in him.
Stop being so selfish.

High school is still hell,
without you I can't navigate it well.
'Cause what he's done,
he's made it a one player game.

I want to die.
But I also don't won't to.
It's very complicated.

I think the party's over.

I stop partying and start cleaning up the result of such a mess. I mess I made. I cover up the balloons with blankets, so I could set them up again next time I party.

The blankets are multiple bandaids. I keep them, for when I need them.

Awesome party, I'm so glad I came.

'Best friend, Michael' BOYF RIENDS AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن