Part 7

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^^ y'all in actuality this is ridiculous for a high schooler to play, but Spencer's a prodigy


Liam PoV

     I stared at my closet in apprehension as a sickening feeling came over me with the realization I have nothing to wear. Then I realized I was being ridiculous, why did it even matter what I wore. So I shut my closet, and spun on my heel, deciding I would just wear what I have on. Black shoes black pants grey shirt. I shrugged, let everyone think I'm emo.

    I grabbed my keys off the island and was about to head out the door, when my sister popped her head out and asked curiously, "Where are you going? I didn't know you had a life outside school."

    I had to roll my eyes, I loved my sister but once she was comfortable around you the sarcasm never ended. "I'm going to a friend's concert."

    She raised a brow, "A friend? mmhm."


    "Do you have an extra few minutes?"

    I was scared of what she would do if I said yes, so I hesitated, which she seemed to take as a yes anyway. She came forward and pulled me back up to my room and threw my closet open. Without saying a thing, she threw a few things at me that I wouldn't have even thought of wearing. A leather jacket and white shirt. I didn't see how this was different than what I already was wearing. Then she threw a pair of checkered vans at me that narrowly missed my head.

    "Put all that on. I know what you're thinking, but trust me, it's different than what you have on." She gingerly placed her hands on my shoulders, "Also, whoever she is, I support you." after pausing for a moment to look up thoughtfully, she added, "or he."

"What are you-" And she got up and skipped away. I decided she probably knew more about these things than me, so I followed her instruction and went ahead and changed. It was probably good she did that, because I was pretty early to begin with and standing in the auditorium alone would likely have been awkward.

    By the time I got there, it only took about five minutes before their director came in to introduce himself. They played a few ensembles that sounded pretty cool, and then the curtain closed and a light was shone in the corner of the stage where a single marimba sat, with a terrified looking Spencer behind it. He searched in the audience with his eyes for a few seconds and when he seemed to be looking in my general direction, I gave him a thumbs up, having no idea if he could see me or not. He took in a deep breath and lifted his hands, carefully placing the four mallets in his hands over the marimba. As soon as he started playing, I could see it in his expression: he was more comfortable up there than he had been at any given moment since I'd known him. His body naturally moved with the volume of the music, and his hands expertly led the mallet to create one of the most beautiful pieces I'd ever heard. I could tell he was feeling everything in the moments he was playing. He was thinking about his mom, he was thinking about his home life. I could see everything flash across his face, and my gut didn't settle the whole time he was playing.

    Afterward, I had to wait quite a while for the students to be let out; they had to bring all their equipment back to the band hall and by the time they were done the auditorium had cleared. Once the stage was clear, Spencer noticed me still sitting in the audience and made his way over to me.

    "Y- you came."

    "Obviously. You played well." I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair as I said it, almost absentmindedly, and realized how soft his hair was. His head lulled back with my hand as his eyes fluttered shut, and when I dropped it, he was left frozen, facing the ceiling.

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